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D.Trump:reptilian humanoid's shape-shifter was swept away, but his double's evil deeds are going on


D. Trump: A shape-shifter of reptilian humanoid
was swept away by the Creators
But, his double's evil deeds are going on
Sept. 25, 2017;Renewal: Oct. 13
According to a notice from the Creators,
US President D. Trump was one of shape-shifters of reptilian humanoids of a planet in the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoids covered whole bodies with scales).
They are stooges of the draconian lizards of a planet in the Draco (5-D flying lizards with 2 legs: The official emblem of UK capital, London city).
D. Trump promoted the plan for the 3rd World War (WW3) through the 2nd Korean War (KW2). D. Trump openly stated that he will completely annihilate the DPRK (North Korea: NK) with military attack.
But WW3 through KW2 is never permitted by the Creators.
Thus, D. Trump was swept away by the Creators around at 06:00am on Sept. 27 2017.
This became the beginning of the collapse of US imperialism. But, the double of D. Trump has been created by a evil element survived after sweep of congealed thinking spirits' group. And Trump's double is continuing evil deeds, aiming at WW3 through KW2.
According to a notice from the Creators, in the US, earthquakes of M9.2 will occur in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco near, and these cities will be annihilated.
Furthermore, the largest eruptions of Yellowstone Supervolcano of the 3 states scale and other 4 large volcanoes in the US West will occur near. And volcanic ash will pile more than 7 m on all states of USA. Thus, the US as a world fort of plutocratic slave domination of Earthers will collapse.
The planet of reptilian humanoids of the Lizard and their bosses' planet of draconian lizards of the Draco were takeover-rulers of the Earth by their shape-shifters. They have formed ruling layers of all nations on the Earth. But, these planets were swept away by the Creators already on April 11, 2017.
Moreover, the Earth and about 20 thou. planets of evil and corrupt civilizations will be swept away by the Creators for normaliztion of the cosmic order.
Then, these planets will transit to the 5-D planets.
On 5-D planets there are humanoids having light bodies with 12 DNAs, each, and they live on the cosmic energy from the Creators. There are no division of societies into classes, no exploitation, poverty, illness, crimes and no wars. Their life span is about 2000 yrs. They can create and vanish small objects, like an Indian Sai Baba once created a wristwatch of Japanese brand Seiko and a bowl with rice, some shaking a downward hand, which was shown in a Japanese TV image. It has suggested partially the future of the Earth and earthers.


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