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The story about Seiji Yoshida and his son 前半

In 1977, a man named Seiji Yoshida wrote a book titled, “Korean comfort women and Japanese”. The contents of the book were about his experiences of business trip in The Korean Peninsula, and about a woman who was a comfort women agent in the Korean district, and there was no story as for obtaining comfort women there. In 1983, Seiji Yoshida wrote a book titled, “My war crimes”, and he told a false story that he mobilized many women to serve as comfort women in Jeju Island of South Korea. The Asahi newspaper company featured Seiji Yoshida’s false testimony from 1980s to the early 1990s, and the comfort women issue spread out in the world. In 1989, his book was translated into Hangeul, or Korean language, and the story became widely known in South Korea.

“Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, submitted in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1995/85(Coomaraswamy Report)” made in1996 , and “ Systematic rape, sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during armed conflict Final report submitted by Ms. Gay J. McDougall, Special Rapporteur( McDougall Report)” made in1998 were prepared based on Seiji Yoshida’s false story.

Coomaraswamy Report refers to the story of Seiji Yoshida as follows;
Moreover, the wartime experiences of one raider, Yoshida Seiji, are recorded in his book, in which he confesses to having been part of slave raids in which, among other Koreans, as many as 1,000 women were obtained for "comfort women" duties under the National Labour Service Association as part of the National General Mobilization Law.

After Seiji Yoshida wrote “My war crimes”, he gave false testimony that he mobilized many Korean women to serve as comfort women in Japan, in South Korea, and in the U.S., and also talked about that in the Newspapers and so on many times. In 1983, Monument of Apology was constructed on the“Hill of National Commemoration” in Cheonan City of Korea by Seiji Yoshid’s book royalties. In the Asahi, the articles about the monument appeared twice. On December 24th in1983, the morning edition of the Asahi featured Seiji Yoshida’s reading the inscription at the ceremony of unveiling the monument, which said, “You were mobilized forcedly for the sake of a war of aggression by Japan…”, and his prostrating himself before the attendance along with the photographs.

On August 14th in 1989, a Korean news writer of The Jeju newspaper company named 許栄善, carried an interview with an 85-year-old woman who lived in Seongsanpo of Jeju Island in the paper. The old woman said, “There are only 250 houses in this village. If 15 Korean women had been mobilized, it would have been a serious incident, but at that time, there wasn’t such a case at all.”, and reports from 許栄善 said that Seiji Yoshida's story was false. Also, 金奉玉, a Korean history researcher of Jeju Island said, “I researched wheter Yoshida’s story was true or not for a long time, and found that the story was false. I think Yoshida wrote the false story for money.” In March 1992, Ikuhiko Hata, a Japanese historian, went to Jeju Island, investigated it, and came to the same conclusion as they did.

The Yomiuri dated August 28th 2014 said when Seiji Yoshida was working on “My war crimes”, he decided to write it under the pen name of Seiji Yoshida instead of his real name,“Yhuto Yoshida” according to the eldest son of Seiji Yoshida who was in his sixties at that time. Seiji Yoshida had other names such as Thoji Yoshida and Eiji Yoshida, and his life was full of lies. According to the newspaper, Seiji Yoshida was born on October 15th in 1913, and was70 years old in 1983. In his book, “Korean comfort women and Japanese”, he said he was legally domiciled in Yamaguchi Prefecture, but the truth was in Nishihama of Ashiyamachi in Fukuoka Prefecture. In the list of graduates of the Moji private commercial high school(now Fukuoka Prefecture Moji daishyokan high school,) of 1931, there was a name of Yhuto Yoshida there, and it said that Yhuto Yoshida was “dead.” The list of graduates of a commercial high school is an official date, and Japanese family registration system doesn’t deal with a man who is alive as dead!

The Asahi said Seiji Yoshida graduated from Hosei University, and Seiji Yoshida himself said he quit Hosei University. But his name isn’t on the list of Hosei University students on the register. In the book, “Korean comfort women and Japanese”, Seiji Yoshida introduced a Korean adopted son whose name was金永達, and said that the son went to Manchuria in December 1937, got married to a Japanese woman who was a teacher, joined the army, and fell fighting in Japan-China War on September 1st in 1938.

But the real name of Seiji Yoshida’s adopted son was not金永達, but李貞郁. Seiji Yoshida told Ikuhiko Hata that he had 李貞郁’s name entered in the census register as an adopted son on April 30th in 1937, but didn’t explain the reason why. 李貞郁 who was born in1917 was 20 years old, and Seiji Yoshida was 23 years and 6 months old at that time. It’s so strange that 23-year-old man suddenly has the name of 20-year-old man entered in the census register as an adopted son! When Ikuhiko Hata asked about it to Seiji Yoshida, he said that李貞郁 got married in 1942, took an active part as the leading member of the labor union in Kyushu district, and died in 1983. In1996, Seiji Yoshida talked about the reason why he told a lie and said, “李貞郁, My adopted son lived as a Japanese after the war, so, I wrote about him under a false name as金永達, and made up a story that he was killed in the war to avoid discrimination.”
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