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18940730 NO851 その六 日清開戦に当たってのセリドン P.リード・アメリカ国領事の折衝

18940730 NO851 その六 日清開戦に当たってのセリドン P.リード・アメリカ国領事の折衝
駐韓日本公使館記錄 3巻 四. 東学乱と清日関係 三 (9)日清両国おのおのがその公使館・領事館を撤去し公館並び在留臣民の保護を米国公使に委託のこと

[別紙] [第十号写]
文書題目 [小村 公使が各国公使へ送った照会 写本]

[別紙] [第十壹号写]
文書題目 [八月 四日付 セリドン P.リード アメリカ国領事が小村公使へ送った 天津に在住する日本人在留民保護関連書信 写本]

Consulate of the United States Tientsin, 4th August, 1894.
To the Honorable,
Chargé d'Affaires,
Monsieur Komura,
on board S.S. "Tung Chow"-Taku.
I have the honour to ask you to inform your superiors at Tokio that the Chinese authorities at Tientsin are ready so far as I know, when danger is pointed out to them, to give the Consuls of the United States assistance to protect Japanese subjects. But in view of the State of feeling in Tientsin, arising from the return of the survivors of the "Kow Shing" who have friends and relatives in Tientsin, and fearing the consequences of a sudden rising of lower classes of this city whose desperate deeds in the past the Chinese authorities have had differently to restrain[restrains] as will be recalled to your mind by the Tientsion massacre of 1870. I therefore suggested to you the advisability of taking with you the remaining Japanese at Tientsin, and I beg that you will not construe this action as indicating any unwillingness on my part to asume[assume] the responsibility from which I did not shrink laid upon me by my government to protest your subjects. This, of course, is known to you, from my conversations with you, but might appear less clear to your government.
I am, Sir, your obedient Servant.
Sheriden P Read.
U.S. Consul.


天津 セリドンP. リード米国領事


[別紙] [第十參号写]
文書題目 [八月 四日付 セリドン P.リード アメリカ国領事が小村公使に送った「天橋丸」抑留亊件に対する書信 写本 ]

Consulate of the United States Tientsin, 4th August 1894.
To the Honorable Chargé d'Affaires
for Japan
Monsieur Komura,
I have the honor to inform you that on the evening of the 2nd inst. I sent a verbal message to His Excellency, the Viceroy to the effect that I hoped His Excellency would consider with the consequences before beginning a war of reprisals, and trusted he might see his way clear to release the "Tenkio Maru" and her crew, now detained at Taku.
I am now again writing to the Viceroy on the subject. The vessel, I know, will not be released but I hope to get the Captain and crew off with you.
For your information I would state that the "Tenkio Maru" cargo consisting of 1E606 railway sleepers and 4196 pieces of timber was hypothecated to the Honkong and Shanghai Bank for Taels 12, 496 furnished upon a draft drawn by H. Shimomura Yokohama, on S. Miasaki Tientsin.
The draft not having been accepted the cargo belongs to the Bank.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant
Sheriden P. Read
U.S. Consul.
H.下村・横浜がS.ミアサキ(*宮崎か)天津で発行した手形を防ぐために、その船を担保として1万 2,496両を融通したのです。手形は引き受けられなかったし貨物はその銀行のものです。
天津税吏でもP. リード米国領事

[別紙] [第十四号写]
文書題目 [八月 四日付 セリドン P. リード アメリカ領事が小村公使へ送った 天橋丸 抑留事件に対する文書 写本]

Consul of the United States Tientsin, 4th August 1894.
To the Honorable,
Charged' Affaires,
Monsieur Komura,
on board S.S. Tung Chow, Taku
I have the honor to inform you that I sent the following telegram to our Legation at Peking
Chinese authorities will release
"Tenkio Maru" and allow discharge
Cargo and deport. Chinese Authorities
ask weather Japan on her side will
refrain from molesting Chinese
merchant vessels. Wire Tokio and reply."
(Signed) Read.
The above telegram differs somewhat in wording from the one I sent by telephone this morning but its import is, obviously the same.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant.
Sheriden P. Read.
U.S. Consul

「清国当局は天橋丸の拘留を解いて貨物の荷を下ろさせたのち追放するだろう。清国当局は日本が自国の立場に立って清国商船を困らせるのを控えるのかを尋ねている。東京に電信で連絡して回答します。 リード」.
天津税吏でもP. リード米国領事

[別紙] [第十五号写]
文書題目 [八月 四日付 セリドン P. リード アメリカ国領事が 李鴻章 総督に送った在天津・日本人在留民保護関連の書信 写本 ]

Consulate of the United States Tientsin. 4th August 1894.
To His Exellency
Earl Li Hung Chang,
Viceroy of Chihli
ets. etc. ets.
Sheriden P. Read, the Consular Representative of the United States is pleased to thank His Excellency, Earl Li, for complying with the request to have a guard pleased over the Chargé d'Affaires for Japan, and his suite now about to return to Japan.
The United States Consul has the honor to inform, His Excellency, that the Chargé d'Affaires is taking with him at the urgent request of the United States Consul all the subjects of Japan in Tientsin, and to State that upon his departure not a single Japanese subject will be left in Peking or in Tientsin.
To complete this good work in removing the Japanese from this Consular district, the consul earnestly requests that His Excellency, the Viceroy, may see his way clear in consideration of the good-will that exists between His Excellency and the Consul of the United States, and in consideration of the good offices the United States Government is performing for Chinese sujects in Japan to give immediate orders that the captain and crew of the Japanese Vessel "Tenkio Maru" now in the custody of His Excellency, at Taku, may be released and handed over to the Japanese Charged' Affaires who with his suite goes on board the British Steamer "Tung Chow" today which Vessel is to clear from the Taku bar tomorrow morning. The Captain of the "Tenkio" arrived, it seems, in ignorance of war.
The action of His Excellency, the Viceroy in complying with the above request will be appreciated, not only by the Consular Representative of the United States at Tientsin, but also by the Government which he has the honor to represent.
Given under my hand and the impression of the seal of the United States at Tientsin, this 4th day of August 1894.
(signed) Shriden P. Read
Consul of the United States of America.

たった今、日本に戻っている代理公使と彼の随行員を保護されたいとの要請に応じて下さったので、セリドン. P. リード アメリカ領事館代表は李鴻章閣下に感謝しています。
そして現在太沽(タークー)で、閣下の保護下にある天橋丸の船長と船員を解いて出国できるようにして、明日朝太沽を離れることになっている英国蒸気船"Tung Chow"号に彼の随行員と共に今日乗船した日本代理公使に譲渡されるよう直ちに命令されるように切実に要請します。

天津 セリドン P. リード米国領事

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