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[New important info] Earthians' evil and corrupt civilization society will be swept


[New important info]
Earthians' evil and corrupt civilization society will be swept by measures on sweeping by the Creators as early at the 2nd half of Sept., 2016
Sept.1, 2016
Invaders-rulers of Earth since ancient times, draconians of the Draco (5-dimensional flying lizard with 2 wings, warking with 2 legs: official emblem of GB capital, City of London) and their minions: reptilian humanoids of the lizard (4-dimensional reptile type humanoids covered whole body with scales) are continuing every kinds of evil deeds.

The Earthians have been suffered evil gene settings to the Anglo-Saxons (Americans and Britishers) and Russians by reptilian humanoids of the Lizard in ancient times. And Japanese also - evil gene setting by Pleiadian humanoids in evil ancient times before revolution occurred around 50,000 yrs ago.
Meanwhile, Chinese are Japanese descendants in ancient times, and peoples of Korean Peninsula are Chinese descendants.
Thus, Earth has become the planet under tyranny of the evil and corrupt plutocratic slave domination, where are offen occurring every kinds of crimes and endless wars.
The General cleaning of such Earth is promoted by the Creators.
According to a notice from the Creators, untill the recent days it was planed to stage the General cleaning of Earth by which the US East and CA state sink into the sea, next, British islands sink into the sea, after that, Japanese islands sink into the sea. But, the plan was changed basically.

The Earthians' society will be swept away by the measures on sweeping as early at the 2nd half of Sept., 2016.
However, for that, it's necessary to eliminate the disturbance by the conservative reactional Source: Creator and ditto-8 (taking charge of Earth) being in the innumerable upper rank of the Space blocks control world of the Creators. And the realization is near.
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