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竹取飛翔 〜 Lunatic Princess./ リバーサイド・ムーン.

musics. リバーサイド・ムーン.
Original. 竹取飛翔 〜 Lunatic Princess.
Source. 東方永夜抄 〜 Imperishable Night.
Final B Boss Theme; Kaguya Houraisan.

Album. 終天.
Album by Hachimitsu-Lemon.
Comiket 84 (C84) Aug 12, 2013.
Arrangement. CleanTears.
Lyrics. 海兎.
Vocals. ゆーな.


ah…揺れてる月影 ah…誰かが呼ぶ声
解き明かして欲しい 繰り返し終わらない夜に

Ah… the moonlight wavers. Ah, someone is calling.
I want you to explain during this looping, endless night.

貴方を離さない 誓いは何処へ消えたのか
夢見がちでも 恋して愛したいよ
駆け引きなんて どうでもいいと抱き締めて
逢瀬重ねて 永遠に焦がれてく

I won’t let you go. Where did that promise disappear to?
Even in my dreams, I want to love you.
I’ll hold you close, not caring about strategy or tactics.
Our lover’s meetings increase, and I pine for you forever.

かけがえない思い出 喜び・悲しみさえ
もう逢えないとしても 私の中で生きづいて

Even my irreplaceable memories, happiness and sadness
will continue to live inside me, though we may never meet again.

貴方を見つめてる 夜空を彷徨う旅人
宵闇の中 人は何処へ往くのか
月が導く 在りし日の景色誘う
貴方の永遠に 問いかける術も無く

The traveller wandering through the starry sky is looking at you.
Where do people pass to in the night?
The moon guides, and landscapes of past days beckon.
I have no means of questioning your eternity.

貴方を離さない 誓いは何処へ消えたのか
夢見がちでも 恋して愛したいよ
駆け引きなんて どうでもいいと抱き締めて
逢瀬重ねて 永遠に焦がれてく

I won’t let you go. Where did that promise disappear to?
Even in my dreams, I want to love you.
I’ll hold you close, not caring about strategy or tactics.
Our lover’s meetings increase, and I pine for you forever.


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