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オリエンタルダークフライト./ etching summary.


musics. etching summary.
Original. オリエンタルダークフライト.
Source. 東方花映塚 〜 Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Marisa Kirisame.

Album. Felsic Mirage.
Album by EastNewSound.
Comiket 78 (C78) Aug 14, 2010.
Arrangement. crouka
Lyrics. くまりす.
Vocals. ハナビ雨季.


鏡に写る影 聞こえた気がした

「Reflected in that mirror there was a shadow, and I felt I heard
Someone far away, calling out to me..」

水面を揺らす風 木の葉を運んだ

「The wind ripples the water’s surface, carrying leaves
Withered away, now more silent than ever」


「Thrown away, left upon the ground, I looked up at towards cold walls
From this projection of a world losing its form, there were
Dozens of filthy hands groping towards a single thread, linking on to the ever flowing future」

壊れ始めた輪廻の輪で 声を枯らして囀る鳥
違う何かに気をとられて 謳う事だけ願い続けた
狂い暴れて舞い散る羽 千切れ震える虚しい鐘
誰か落とした名もない花 掴み消えるモノクローム

「Upon this wheel of reincarnation collapsing, a bird calls with a rasping voice
Taken now by another, I continued to pray, calling out
There was a crazed scattering of feathers and an empty, shatter inducing bell
Grasping a nameless flower someone had dropped, everything vanished into monochrome」

ただ手に残る羽 涙を落とした

「With but a feather left in my hand, my tears fell
Towards the twisted end of the world」

この目に見えるもの 繰り返す色に

「I saw a cycle of colors repeating, which I implored
But all there was was silence」

憂う月揺れる空 砕けた硝子の板
見えるもの 見えぬモノ 走り出す足元も見ず

「The melancholic moon wavered in the sky, like a shattered pane of glass
This I could see, but not the others – so I ran and ran, unable to see the ground under my feet
Released from entangling future in this momentary pit of sand, two flowers reached for each other」

今夢を見た 絵本に在る場所
色が一面に 鮮やかに見えた

「There I dreamed of a place in a picture book
And saw color, brilliantly, everywhere」

滲み霞んだ最後の影 光無くして忘れた空
思い出すこと許せない 叫ぶ声さえ闇に紛れて

「But as the last shadow crept in, I lost light and forgot the sky
They would not let me remember, and in the darkness my screams were lost」

気づき始めた希望の声 高く仰いだ因果の果て
捨てた筈の些細な罪が 消える事なく重なる

「But I realized a voice of hope and looked towards the end of karma
That small sin I should have thrown away, didn’t disappear but grew」

壊れ始めた輪廻の輪で 声を枯らして囀る鳥
違う何かに気をとられて 謳う事だけ願い続けた

「Upon this wheel of reincarnation collapsing, a bird calls with a rasping voice
Taken now by another, I continued to pray, calling out」

狂い暴れて舞い散る羽 千切れ震える虚しい鐘
誰か落とした名もない花 掴み消えるモノクローム

「There was a crazed scattering of feathers all around by an empty, shatter inducing bell
Grasping a flower with no name someone had dropped, it vanished in monochrome」

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