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[Tips for managing YouTube channels]

[Tips for managing YouTube channels]

­¡ Don't worry about the number of views and the number of registrants.
­¢ Don't be conscious of posting every day.
­£ Do not read criticism comments.
­¤ Do not aim for monetization
­¥ The number of views and registrants will not increase so much in SNS notifications
­¦ Stop short-term video editing in consideration of long-term operation.
­§ Do not shoot and edit videos when your motivation is low.
­¨ For live distribution, try to improve the satisfaction of existing users rather than acquiring new users.
­© It is natural that the number of subscribers will decrease, so we will also focus on acquiring new users.
­ª First, increase the number of views in your own country rather than the number of views overseas.
11. Attack minor titles rather than major titles and become a profession.
12. Lower the target hurdle
13. In video editing from the viewer's perspective, insert cut editing as much as possible.
14. Always be aware of Google and YouTube searches, and make sure that your channel is within the top of the search or (1) within the page.
15. Aim for monetization with a three-year plan.
16. Don't ask viewers to throw money, play, or subscribe.
17. Check YouTube for updates and news from time to time.
18. Post first, rather than thinking about your needs.
19. Protect the privacy of others
20. The account name etc. will be revealed soon, so be sure to protect your security.
21. In some cases, the risk and return of face-up and voice-out are not balanced.
22. Post considering that there are more than 90% of viewers such as smartphones and tablets.
23. If you operate multiple video posting sites, change the posting frequency and explanatory documents depending on the color of the site.
24. When translating with a translation tool, make a note of Japanese expressions before translating.
25. Gift planning is risky, but the return is also high.
26. Collaboration planning is channel management, and it is easy to get good results, but it is meaningless if there are only a few.
27. In the case of information update type channel operation, consider whether it can be operated in a span of 5 years.
28. Since videos with a large supply cannot be seen as the initial posting of the channel, we will post with further narrowing down the needs.
29. It costs money to invest in the equipment, equipment, and environment to post. [Monthly & initial investment]
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