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Ocean's Twelve

I saw the movie,"Ocean's Twelve".
It's released 2004 and it's sequel to 2001's "Ocean's eleven".
Three years have passed from first one and also in this story three years have passed.

I saw the first one around a month ago.
And I worried like this.
"Are they really safe?
Stealing a large amount of money?
Aren't they going to be arrested to the end of their life?"

Terry Benedict comes to them and says, " You must returm my money you stole from my casinos, the $160 million within two weeks".
Ah, that's what I thought. Beneduct comes to them,
after all.
Besides he says " plus $38 million interest, too."
Oh---he is super rich but greedy.

Danny Ocean's crew can't return money because they have spent a lot of them, so have to do some big stealing, again!
Oh, my.
Then, they go to Europ.

In the first place, they prefer living as a gang of thieves to doing ordinary business, I guess.
They restarted to live as thieves happily.
And who do you think is twelfth Ocean's crew?
Tess Ocean, Ocean's wife who married him second time.
She used to be a fiance of Benedict, their enemy.

I suppose they are born thieves.
Or lovers of gamble.

I'd like to ask you all.
Do you love gambles?

I have a horrible experience to lose a large sum of money, around $70 by gamble in a short time when I was a student, 20 years old.
Then I opened my eyes to reality and quitted gamble since that day and have never done.
I was a student at those days dependent on my parents.
So I don't think it's not so serious.

But there are people who continue gambling to the end of their lives like them, Ocean's.
Also Terry Benedict, casino's owner who were stolen
a huge money by them.
He knows well "People love gamble".
He makes use of that people's psychology and earn huge money.
Gamble lovers fall an easy victim to him.

By the way, it's a big hit as well as "Ocean's Eleven", a financial success, grossing $435 million.
I guess there are so many gang movie fans.

By the way there are magnificent lineup.
George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Julia Joberts
,Andy Garcia etc. followed last time.
Besides, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Bruce Willis were
joined in!

Catherine Zeta-Jones as Isabel Lahiri is ex-girlfriend of Rusty ( Brad Pitt) and a shrewd Europol Detective.
They were a couple of thief and detective.
And this time, she arrests them including Tusty.

And this time, they make a bet $160 million with
"Night Fox" Baron François Toulour.
He is a super rich and confident, talented man.
And wants to show he is the best thief.
That's why he makes a bet a large sum of money.
Childish, isn't it?

And we, audience who watching the story enthusiastically are also childish? or romantic.
You can't live only with bread, you know.

Brad pitt is so cool and fasionable in this movie,
his hair is a little too short, though.

Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing "Ocean's thirteen"

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