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Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow
I saw the movie "Edge of Tomorrow", for the first time.
It's a science fiction released in 2014.
and it's marketing tagline is "Live. die. Repeat."
Starred by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt.
Directed by Doug Liman.
And you know what?
This is a film from Japanese light novel "All you need is kill" by Hiroshi sakurazaka released in 2004.
I was so excited to see it.
But it's too difficult for me to understand the story.

Anyway, it was a big hit and got a lot of nomination including Best Action film, Best Actor and Actress.
And won awords in seven categories.

Sakurazawa, original book writer said that he was inspired by a video game and wrote it.
That's why!
I felt "This one is like a video game" during watching the movie.
You know, I've never played video games.
I'm not good at playing games, any sort of game.

It's also a science fiction movie.
I like it.
But it's really difficult for me to understand.

It's a story of time loop.
In this story, Major William Cage (Tom Cruise) and his companions including Sergeant Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt)
are fighting against the creature from outer space "Mimics " that are attacking people to invade the earth.
And Cage and his companions are all killed by them.

Omega that controlls Mimics has an ability of "time loop" and is trying to take advantage at the battle using it.
And Cage hijacked Omega's ability unexpectedly by being poured the blood of "Omega" in the battle.
That's why he goes to the battlefield and killed endlessly.
And he is trying to tell and warn the troop that they are all killed.
That's because the aliens know their movement and strategy.
But his companions don't believe his warning.

Only Vrataski believes him.
She also used to have an ability of time loop.
She has just lost her ability middle of the way in the battle.

That's the difficult point for me.
Cage has a time loop.
and Vrataski has it, too.
But it seems like they are not the same loop.
If so, that means if third person or many persons had the
What happens?
It comes unlimited number of loops?
Another difficult point for me is that---
During Cage repeatedly goes to the battlefield and backs to the time before the battle---500 or 1,000 times---is real time passing together?

Science fiction is interesting but difficult.
Still having the ability of time travel would be great.
Not only for me.
Everyone likes that, too, I guess.
I have so many regretful things in my life.
I often dream that I go back to the time and correct those.
"Time travel". Not "Time loop".
"Live. die. Repeat."?
Oh, no.
Give me a break.
I don't want to be killed repeatedly.

But Cage is a great guy.
At first, he looked weak and useless person.
But each time repeating the same battle, his fighting skill is surely developing.
He is a quick learner.
That's great and the most important matter.

You used to be a weak and useless person.
But now---?
You are hero!

Tom Crues is really superb in this film as well as Emily Blunt.
And I secretly think this story, movie version is better than original novel story.
I've never read that, though.
I just read a simple plot.
Still I can tell.
This is a good story.
Because there's love in the movie version.

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