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アフリカ系詐欺 Nigerian Connection and beyond


Two decades ago, frauds used to be like these:

a. アフリカの某国の国家元首の子女で、多量の現金を薬品でdefaceして(黒くしてお札だとわからないようにして)持っているが、それを別の液体で、元に戻さないと行けないから、薬品代を寄越せ。全部終わったら、数割はお前にやる。


a. He is an heir to a former African dictator. He has a lot of defaced (chemically blackened) 100 dollar bills. In order to chemically wash the bills, you need chemicals. You're asked to give money for the chemicals (which is very expensive). He assures you a big percentage of the whole inheritance will go to you. But that's a fraud.

b. 夫が癌でなくなって、遺産が多量にあるけれど、受け取ってくれないか、(で、なんかに費用が掛かるから、手付金を送れ)とか、

b. My husband died of cancer and I inherited a lot of money. Would you like to receive it? (And in the course, you need to pay some money beforehand) and the like.

c. あなたは、遺産を多量に残して死んだ誰々の遠い親戚だから、連絡くれ。(で、なんかに費用が掛かるから手付金を送れ)とかだったけど。

c. You are a remote relative to somebody who died and left a lot of money. Give me your contact details. (And in the course, you need to pay some money beforehand).

特に、a. はNigerian Connectionとして良く知られていた。

a. is known as Nigerian Connection.



d. お前のメールアカウントは乗っ取った。(確かに自分のメールアカウントからメールが送られているように見える。)同時に、お前のパソコンを操作して、お前がポルノサイトを見ているときに、内蔵カメラで、動画を録画した。それを、お前のアドレス帳の知人にばらまかれたくなかったら、なにがしかの金をBitCoinで送れ、というやつ。あのー、任意のアドレス(自分のものじゃなくてもいい)からメールを送るのなんて、超簡単なんですけど。で、乗っ取った云々は嘘。

d. I hacked your mail account. (The mail looks like it was sent from your own account.) He claims that he remotely controlled your PC and he recorded you while watching a porn site. If you don't want it sent out to your friends in your address book, send me BitCoin. Well, sending out mail from any address is very easy. You don't really have to hack. He claiming having hacked your PC is not true.

e. お前のBitCoinを送ってくれれば、マイニングで、簡単に増やしてやるから、送れ。っていうやつ。これは、BitCoinを送ると、testnetで、(無価値な)BitCoinを(額面増やして)送られるという詐欺です。それやってる奴、まだFaceBookにいるなぁ。

e. If you send me BitCoin, I will mine it and give you more BitCoin, so send your BitCoin to me. Well, if you actually send him BitCoin, he will send you "more" BitCoin through testnet. That is worthless. The guy doing this scam is still on Facebook.

f. こっちはもっと話題になっているロマンス詐欺。疑似恋愛に持ち込んで、お金をせしめようというやつ。FaceBookで、おぱんぽん画像を出してるやつから、友人申請が来る。性的指向がずれているから、引っかからないけど、こっちの素性がバレたら、気を引き締めないと。

f. This one is more talked about these days. Romance scam. (S)he will make you believe that (s)he and you are in a cyber-relationship. And (s)he will of course ask you for money. On Facebook, those girly accounts with a bare c**t tries to be pseudo-lovers with you. Thanks to my sexual orientation incompatibility, I haven't been scammed. But if THEY know, they will come with c**ks. I need to watch out.
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