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★"Worldwide Arrest Warrants Issued for Obama, G W Bush and Cheney
http://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2016/10/worldwide-arrest-warants-issued-for-obama-g-w-bush-cheney-make-viral-2614035.html Oct 25, 2016

★Hillary Will Be in Prison After This Video! Undeniable Proof She’s Linked to Election Fraud   ヒラリーは選挙の不正関与で投獄される
http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/10/busted-video-evidence-hillary-is-directly-involved-in-election-fraud-shes-finished-james-okeefes-third-leak-made-public-3429443.html Oct 24, 2016

http://beforeitsnews.com/blogging-citizen-journalism/2016/10/solar-storm-alert-massive-coronal-hole-at-the-sun-to-blast-earth-with-solar-storms-2551543.html Oct 25, 2016

米サイトBefore It's News, Oct 25, 2016に発表した記事:
The general cleaning and the decisive sanctions of Earth are promoted by the Creators
Oct 25, 2016 T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
According to a notice from the Creators, the massive worldwide cataclysm will occur
in the 1st half of December, 2016. And the US East and CA State will sink into the sea.
Then, British islands, next, Japanese islands will sink into the sea. Next, the East and the
South of China, Korean peninsula, Moscow and St. Petersburg will sink into the sea.
After that, the Pole shift of Earth will occur in the 2nd half of December, this 2016.
And directly after such the new catastrophe of Earth since the ancient times of dinosaurs' extinction, the blast of Earth will occur due to the massive solar storms written in the
Before It's News site.
Thus, Earth will be disappeared from our cosmos because of the evil and corrupt
civilization of plutocratic slave domination, which is hostile to the Destiny of the Creators
on transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all fields of human
life, following the planets' development law, as the Creators have given everything
gratuitously for Earth too.
On 20,000 planets of advanced civilization constituting the Galactic Federation there are
no such tyranny.

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