

開催終了8/4,5(金)(土)Exciting Internatio­nal AitaiParty @ DiA Club Roppongi & AlluCanDrink @ShellRoom


2017年08月04日 01:19 更新

『Aitai Special & Unique Recommended event for Happy Summer Time. Only by Aitai for Unlimited Fun』

Then we will move to the most popular Roppongi DiA Tokyo Club for All-Night Unlimited Fun』

DiA Tokyo Roppongi Club is the most popular, Exciting, largest, Stylish Quality Dance Club in Tokyo.

ShellRoom Lounge is Stylish and conveniently located within walking distance to the heart of Tokyo Roppongi.


Very Important: Thank you for your understanding....

1- This event program and prices are created and provided by us ONLY to our group guests. Any person goes directly to the Bar/Club (or without our organizer) will be charged the normal high entry prices (No discount).

2- FYI, The Bar/Club normal prices are defined on each web site.

3- The club will check Photo ID at the door - 写真付きIDチェック入り口で行う. No entry allowed without photo ID.



☆500人以上参加予定です. Over 500 party people are joining DiA ☆

Do you like to experience of visiting Roppongi Best club ? Socialize, Make Friends, Dance and unlimited FUN !

And to enjoy the AlluCanDrink Socialize party earlier, Spend quality time making International and local friends!





【 Party Date】:

August 4, 2017 (Friday)


【Joining Fee & Program Options】:

You can select how you wants to enjoy:

You can join one party, or both with lower price and unlimited fun.

■ Option 1: @ ShellRoom / AlluCanDrink

- Time: 20:00~23:00

- Fee: 2,500Yen (Aitai event price)

- AlluCanDrink Socialize with International & Local Cool friends @ShellRoom

- Come directly to ShellRoom 20:00~

■ Option 2: @DiA club / 1 drink

- Time: 12:00~5:00

- Fee: 1,500Yen (This is Aitai event price. Normal DiA price is much higher)

- All-Night unlimited fun

- (Gathering 集合)Come to ShellRoom between 10:30~11:45 P.M.

- Our organizer will takes you to DiA club.

■ Option 3: @ Joining Both Parties "ShellRoom & DiA"

- Time: 20:00~5:00

- Fee: 3,500Yen (This is "Aitai" Price)

- Combination of option-1 "ShellRoom" & option-2 "DiA"

- Come directly to ShellRoom 20:00~

- We will go together to DiA by 12:00 ~

■ Other Drinks: Cash-on

■ We do not have money change. please brings exact amount.

■ If you join both Friday and Saturday 4th & 5th August parties, your price will be 6000Yen includes everything.

★★★★★ Attention 2★★★★★

Above program and price are available only when you join the club/bar with our organizer. else, you have to pay regular price!

Please say that you came from “mixi” to the organizer.



■ ShellRoom Lounge Bar

(1) 8:00 ~ 23:45 First Meetup party then Gathering inside the ShellRoom Lounge Bar.
Socialize, Making Friends and warming up for DiA
Note; If you wants to join the following DiA party, Be sure to be in ShellRoom by 11:45 at max!


■ DiA Club Roppongi until 5:00 a.m.

(2) By midnight our organizer will takes to DiA club, walking 4 min.
Continue Socialize, Dance & All night FUN (Free Style)



■ ShellRoom Lounge Bar
Minato-ku Roppongi 3-14-8 下条ビルShimojo Bldg 4F

* 4 min walk from Roppongi Station Exit #3 or #5 on Oedo and Hibiya Lines. few blocks after DonkiHote Store.


■ DiA Club Roppongi
Tokyo, Minato, Roppongi, 3 - 8 - 15


**** DiA Club Video ****

(You can stay all night having fun and more. Free style)

※参加者の方に心地いい空間と時間を提供したいため、各種勧誘、、販売目的・ネットワークビジネス・宗教・強引ナンパやセクシャルハラスメントの方の参加はお断りしています。発見された場合や、その様に思われる場合はスタッフまで声をかけて下さい。 不適切と判断した場合は退場とさせて頂きます。

Organizers refrain from extracting and reprinting some of our party introductory texts or joining the party.

Network Business · Religion · Solicitation Purpose • Sales • Participation by persistent Nanpa or those who are sexual harassment is prohibited. Please notify the staff if found to take the proper action. Please manage your wallet management, physical condition management, all safety control for yourself.

We are not responsible if you lost any of your personal items, or physical/mental conditions.

You are responsible of all of your behavior or issues might occurs.

Thank you for your understanding and corporation.


♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡

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[AitaiParty の大人気インターナショナル­コミュニティーの仲間になってね]
※ LINE (追加、Add イベント情報届く。LINEメンバーだけの特別な得もあります)
https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40rik5545w ( https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40rik5545w )
@ rik5545w
※ Instagram:(フォローしてね Follow us)
https://www.instagram.com/aitaiparty/ ( https://www.instagram.com/aitaiparty/ )


  • 2017年08月04日 (金) 4日から2夜連続
  • 東京都 六本木
  • 2017年08月04日 (金) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!
1 / 70人