

開催終了playtime vol.2 来てください!!ギルティーコネクターさん出ます


2005年04月13日 18:26 更新

Event title: playtime vol.2 @ superdeluxe, roppongi

Date: 4/14 ( Thu ) Open:19:30 Finish: 23:30~24:00

Fee: 1500yen ( 1drink )




,ギルティーコネクター、舞Sau,Curse ov kaigen ( curse ov dialect, Mush )

DJ:)DISCHARGE /ディスチャージ( ABRAHAM CROSS/アブラハムクロス), Dj Chaoz /餃子)randomchick/ ランダムチック

Graphic contribution: Signal D

**Sakura image** : Xian










Wil-tron: 作曲・プロデュース活動は3年程になるWil-tronは、オーストラリア、メルボルンのエレクトロイベント、"Meccanoid"や"Lasergun"等に出演。彼のサウンドはキャッチーな80年代色強い"シンセ・ポップ"からグリッチ、ミニマル、そしてダーク・インダストリアルサウンドスケープと幅広い。ライブセットはこれらのスタイルを織り込みリスナーを斬新にその世界へと魅了させていく。

Curse ov Kaigen ( Curse ov Dialect, Mush ):メルボルン産革命のモグラMC。CURSE OV DIALECT (MUSH)
に同行し多数のライブ活動を行う。昨年、Architecture in Helsinki (Bar/None
Records) のEP参加もあえなく日本未発売。誰か輸入してください。

舞Sau プロフィール

1984年大阪生まれ大阪在住。絵画を中心にジャンルを問わず作品を制作。2003年11月,舞 Sauとしての活動を始動。2004年京都嵯峨芸術大学短期大学部 卒業。 神戸,大阪,京都にてパフォ-マンスを行う。


オーストラリアを代表するノイズ、エクスぺリメンタルパフォーマンスアーティスト、そして音楽レーベル"DualpLover "( www.dualplover.com )の主宰者。93年、自身のラジオ番組放送を聽いていた盟友のギタリスト、Oren Amberchにより招待されたイベント出演あたりから今日に至り、世界を股にかけ多数のフェスティバル等に参加。遊牧民のごとくノンストップ世界ツアーを続けて3年となる。ガラス板と自らの肉体を酷使して生み出された音源は、ラフかつその音個々に個性溢れ即興的であり、彼のパフォーマンスは衝(笑)撃的で悪名高く、一昨年のイギリス公演ではKID606の前座として登場、失禁者をも出すという...まさに"SOLID(無敵)"である。
尚、過去10年間にリリース、完売/廃盤された自身3枚のアルバムが、今年LAのBanded Productionから再リリースされる




Special performance acts : Justice Yeldham and the Dynamic Ribbon Device ( Dualplover, Australia ), Guilty Connector, Mai Sau and Curse ov Kaigen ( Curse ov Dialect, Mush )

DJ: DISCHARGE ( ABRAHAM CROSS ), DJ Chaoz, randomchick and more

Graphic Contribution: Signal D

***sakura image*** Xian



Looks like playtime vol.2 is spring concept event with fantastic domestic/international emerging artists.

Obsorb and enjoy yourself with sakura battle royal, ” playtime!”


Special acts info.& image

GUILTY CONNECTOR : A hybrid human/noise-machine that creates noise-scapes of unfathomed depths. Banging hand-made noise generators aka "SHIBAKI Electronics" made of iron plates, he creates and liberates dazzling spectra of sounds, from ultra-fast extreme harsh barrages to meditative spacy sounds. Experience the roar of his live electronics with your own flesh. Currently, touring US and will be first returning performance act at "playtime ". Do NOT miss this live!!!!http://www.geocities.jp/GxCx666/gc.html

Wil-tron: Wil-tron has been writing and producing for almost 3 years. Performing in Australia at Melbourne underground electro nights Meccanoid and Lasergun. His sound varies from catchy 80's inspired 'synth pop', minimal, glitch and dark, industrial soundscapes. His 'live' sets incorporate all of these
styles and more keeping the listener guessing what will happen next

Curse ov Kaigen ( Curse ov Dialect, Mush ): Melbourne organically trained Japanese revolutional "mogura" underground MC. He has toured and appered many collaboration gigs with Curse ov Dialect ( Mush ). Did MC for latest " Architecture in Helsinki " Japan yet to be released EP( Bar/None Records ).

Currently, he is on the process of his solo album recording with up and down life.

Mai Sau profile: Mai Sau was born in Osaka, 1984. Painting based Mixed media artist. She has started performance project under “ Mai Sau “ since Nov, 2003. Graduated Kyoto Saga Art College, 2004. Performs mainly in Kansai Area.

Justice Yeldham and Dynamic Ribbon Device ( Australia )

Australia’s one of the leading noise/experimental artists and the pioneer of the independent label, “ Dualplover “( www.dualplover.com ). He has started performing as professional since 93’ as his old associate guitarist; Oren Amberch invited him for the experimental music event. Up to today, he has appeared in many domestic/international events. It has been three years since he has not stopped his world tour as if he is nomadic. The sound he creates are made by his own body and a sheet of glass and his “ Dynamic Ribbon Device “ to manipulate. It can be describe as rough but also full of character and it is almost like story telling. His performance style is improvisational and notorious to shock and thrill punters. Do not miss the performance of the man of “ SOLID “.

His past three full length album will be re-released from Banded Production, LA.

He will be performing at Superdeluxe as his celebration of decade profession and the opening of Japan tour 05.


  • 2005年04月14日 (木)
  • 東京都
  • 2005年04月14日 (木) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!