

開催終了One World, Loving World


2008年06月19日 06:43 更新

Time and PlaceDate: Saturday, June 28, 2008
Time: 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Yoyogi Park
City/Town: Tokyo, Japan
Contact InfoEmail: artsytigger@gmail.com

A casual fund-raising event. All donations and part/all of the proceeds (depending on each individual) will be donated to various charity organizations such as Avaaz, BabyTreeProjects, Akyinnarlet - Bond of Love (Aid for Burmese Cyclone victims), Chi-ki Children's Foundation, etc.


This event is organized to promote awareness, love, peace and unity. We aim to bring a caring community together irregardless of backgrounds, ages or genders to share their love in giving a little something back to the world - the world that needs that.

Please come in a red, black or white top.

** I do not represent any of the charity organizations, but I am doing my part in raising funds to donate to those organizations that need our contribution.

If it rains on that day, this event will be postponed to the following day or another date. You will be notified!

Event agenda:

1. FUN BAZAAR (face/body painting, polaroid shots with painted background, etc)

2. GAMES (tug of war, gunny sack race, water balloon war, etc. Prizes to be won!)

3. DRAWING contest for kids up to 12 years old! Prizes to be won!
** (To be drawn at home prior to event based on the theme "One World, Loving World" on A4 - A3 paper - submit on the event day with name and age!)

4. LIGHT A CANDLE AT DUSK to mourn for the losses(deaths) from war, violence & cruelty, natural disasters, diseases and to light for love, hope, peace and unity in the world. We will all form Circles of Unity & the Peace sign together.

Check out these meaningful videos and also the ones posted on "posted items" below:

Love Begins With ME

Imagine - Global Love Day 2008

The World Anthem - Reach out with Love and Care for everyone

A great video footage created by Megumi Nishikura on peace!

Come join us in Yoyogi Park for a meaningful day!

Thank you for your time and understanding.

For non-facebook members, details of this event can be viewed at http://artsyworkshop.ning.com

Love & peace to all. :)

Looking for volunteers to help in this event. If you're interested in volunteering your time and expertise or donating/lending things that we may need for this event, kindly email me at artsytigger@gmail.com.

Things needed (donated or lent):

- solid dark colored canvas sheets
- big solid colored sheets - white/cream/black (unwanted linens/curtains)
- small bucket of white paint
- white candles
- small balloons
- cardboard boxes

- table & some chairs
- lamps/lanterns
- gunny sacks
- long rope for tug-of-war

Volunteers needed:

- Photographers & Videographers
- Performers: Musicians - soft and mellow music (guitarists, saxophonist, etc), singers, comedians, etc.
- Artist/Body & face painters
- Games co-ordinator
- Exhibitors/Spokesperson: Create awareness on war, violence, diseases, natural disasters and LOVE.
- Other talents.

More details will be listed in due time.


  • 2008年06月28日 (土)
  • 東京都
  • 2008年06月28日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!