

開催終了Statistical Graphics Mashups for Analysis, Review and Reporting


2007年09月28日 08:06 更新

Statistical Graphics Mashups for Analysis, Review and Reporting

Date: October 2nd, 2007
Time: 8:30 am, PDT; 11:30 am, EDT

Speaker: Michael O'Connell, Insightful Corporation

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In this presentation we describe new Insightful Graphics and Review software solutions that enable specification and repurposing of graphics throughout the clinical development process. In particular we discuss S-PLUS statistical graphics for clinical review and study reporting, layered on a data-driven graph taxonomy, and with graphics style elements that can be readily specified, edited and repurposed.

Insightful Clinical Graphics and Clinical Review utilize modern Web 2.0 architectures and concepts such as mashups. This enables end-users to create their own graph patterns or clinical review templates from an inbuilt palette of clinical graph types, and to share these for re-use on different data across a wide variety of functional areas. We illustrate this concept via analogy with web video mashups from YouTube, featuring classic choreography with modern beats, dialog and graffiti.

The graph palette comprises a broad set of clinically-relevant displays. These utilize statistical graphics principles such as those originally espoused by Tukey (1977) and Tufte (1983); by Cleveland (1993) with the advent of TrellisTM graphics; and more recently through S-PLUS interactive GraphletsTM and GOM-graphics, developed by Insightful. We illustrate the software approach with a set of S-PLUS® graphics for design, review and reporting of a clinical trial data across multiple functional areas.

At the end of the presentation, we will briefly review the upcoming Insightful User Conference including speakers, seminars, posters and awards; as well as participant community information for maximizing benefits in attending the Conference in Atlantic City NJ, October 10-12.


* Cleveland, W. (1993): Visualizing Data. Hobart Press, Summit NJ.
* O’Connell, M. (2006). Statistical graphics for design and analysis of clinical development studies. Insightful webcast. http://www.insightful.com/news_events/events.asp
* Tufte, E. R. (1983). The Visual Display of Information, Graphics Press, Cheshire CT.
* Tukey, J. W. (1977). Exploratory Data Analysis. Addison-Wesley, Reading MA.

S-PLUS, Trellis, Graphlet and all other Insightful Corp. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of Insightful Corporation in the USA and other countries.

Presenter Information

Dr. Michael O'Connell
Michael O'Connell,
Insightful Corporation
Michael O'Connell runs the Life Science Solutions effort at Insightful. Michael has been working in the medical device, diagnostics, pharmaceutical and biotech arena for the past 15 years. His background and graduate work was in applied statistics and he has published more than 50 papers on statistical methods and life science applications including calibration, mixed models, and nonparametric regression. He has also written several statistical software packages and libraries. More recently he has been active in the development of tools for analysis and reporting of clinical and safety data from
S-PLUS. Michael holds a Bachelors degree in Science from the University of Sydney, a Masters degree in Statistics from the University of New South Wales and a Ph.D. in Statistics from North Carolina State University.


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