



2011年08月18日 22:44 更新


Left Behind Parents Japan から英語の情報だけだったので紹介していませんでしたが、別の団体のMLで日本語の情報が来たので、それを紹介します。また、Left Behind Parents Japan に和訳付きの縦長の画像があったので、それは3つに分けて載せています。


8月23日 バイデン副大統領(米国)訪日にあたって









  • [1] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月19日 01:07

  • [2] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月19日 16:27

  • [3] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月20日 13:11

  • [4] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月24日 13:52

    Rally planned to raise awareness of parental abduction issue during Biden visit

    TOKYO ―
    Both foreign and Japanese left-behind parents will stage a street demonstration on Tuesday to coincide with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Japan.
    The march will start from Mikawadai Park near Roppongi station (exit 6) and go past the U.S. Embassy and Japan Federation of Bar Associations, ending in Hibiya Park. The meeting starts at 11 a.m. and the march at 11:30 a.m.
    Organizers said the purpose of the demonstration is to raise public awareness about the abduction issue and urge Biden to address child abduction publicly so that the human rights of children and parents are protected and abducted children are returned to their loving parents.
    Modern Tokyo Times

    東京 -

  • [5] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月24日 22:48

    Left-behind fathers urge U.S. to push Japan to sign Hague treaty
    Stars and Stripes
    Published: August 23, 2011

    Japan to sign Hague treaty, but implementation could be years away
    Japan to sign international child abduction treaty
    Filmmakers tackle custody issue
    Lawmaker: DOD must do more to inform troops about child abduction issue
    Japan urged to join abduction treaty
    Child custody issue could hurt ties with Japan, official says
    Congressman continues to push Japan to sign child abduction treaty
    Parents hope Japan’s new leaders OK abduction treaty
    Navy officer travels to Japan in attempt to talk to daughter
    Bill would create support network for servicemembers in overseas custody battles
    Overseas custody rights: American parents struggle to reunite with children in Japan

    View Gallery (3 images)
    Two Canadian men, who asked not to be identified, hold a sign during a demonstration in Tokyo on Tuesday advocating dual custody rights for divorced parents in Japan. The man on the right said he wished to remain anonymous for fear his participation would anger his Japanese ex-wife and further complicate his custody battle.
    TOKYO ― Timing their message to coincide with Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Japan, a small but vocal group of activists marched in the streets Tuesday, urging Japan to sign an international treaty on parental child abduction.

    Most of the two dozen marchers were American and other foreign fathers who have been cut off from their half-Japanese children by mothers who refuse to share custody and are shielded from doing so by current Japanese law.

    The group said the U.S. should urge Japan to follow through on its recent promise to sign the 1980 Hague Convention on Aspects of International Child Abduction ― which would help prevent such custody problems from arising. The group also wants Japan to develop an interim plan to restore parental rights to hundreds of foreigners whose children have been spirited away in Japan.

    “We would like Vice President Biden to address the issue publicly while he’s in Japan,” said American Tony Del Vecchio, a university professor in Tokyo who hasn’t seen his 13-year-old daughter in seven years.

    The protest was held near the site of Biden's meeting Tuesday with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan. It was unclear whether the vice president saw the demonstrators or was aware of the protest.

    The Hague treaty requires that a child be returned to his or her habitual residence should one parent flee to another country with that child to evade a custody dispute or dodge an existing court order. There are currently 173 American-Japanese children who have been abducted by a parent in Japan, according to U.S. State Department records.

    But Japan has said it will not apply the treaty retroactively to existing parental child abduction cases, leaving parents like Del Vecchio with little hope.
  • [6] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月24日 22:48

    Japan announced in May it would sign the Hague treaty, following decades of diplomatic requests from the U.S. and international community. The media, advocacy groups and even the U.S. Congress have added to the pressure in recent years.

    Most outsiders viewed Japan’s acquiescence as a positive step for the country, where the tradition of sole-custody divorces prevails and courtsvirtually never grant custody to foreigners, especially men.

    “I have no rights here,” said Tim Johnston, a California native who has lived in Japan for 14 years and has been unable to see his 7-year-old son for three months.

    Carrying a sign that read “Why don’t we have rights to see our children in Japan?” below a photograph of his son, Johnston was among the activists who marched Tuesday in central Tokyo.

    It could take years before Japan signs the treaty because some domestic laws will need to be changed before implementation, Japanese officials have said. Some Japanese lawmakers are working on laws that would allow exemptions to the treaty in cases of domestic abuse, which Western officials are quick to point out already exist within the Hague.

    U.S. officials and the left-behind parents have expressed concern that Japan ― which for years has been reluctant to accede to the Hague treaty because of its divorce customs ― may be trying to circumvent the process with that argument.

    “We will not rest until we see the kinds of changes that are necessary and we will certainly not abide by loopholes or other steps that will, frankly, somehow negate or water down” the agreement, Kurt Campbell, assistant secretary of state for East Asia, said in July, according to the Agence France-Presse news agency.

    Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., proposed legislation last month that would impose economic sanctions against Japan and other countries that demonstrate a “pattern of non-cooperation” in resolving child abduction cases. Smith tried to pass a similar law in 2010 but it died in the House, and it’s unclear whether the bill has any new support this year.

    Del Vecchio, the professor, supports Smith’s efforts and said congressional action could become vital should Japan continue to waver on the issue.

    “The question is, will Japan sign (the Hague treaty) in the right spirit?”

  • [7] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月24日 22:59




    によって チャーリーリード

    東京 - 日本へ副社長ジョーバイデンの訪問に合わせて彼らのメッセージのタイミングを、活動家の小さいながらもボーカルグループでは、親による子の奪取に関する国際条約に署名するために日本を促し、火曜日通りを行進。


    発生からこのような親権の問題を防ぐために役立つだろう - グループは、米国が国際的な子の奪取の側面に関する1980年ハーグ条約に署名するために、最近の約束を本気で守るために日本を要請すべきだと述べた。グループはまた、日本の子どもたち日本に神隠しされている外国人の数百に親権を復元するために暫定的な計画を策定したいと考えています。









  • [8] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月24日 23:01

    年間のために離婚の習慣のハーグ条約に加盟には消極的されている - - この引数を持つプロセスを回避しようとする可能性のある米国の当局者と、取り残された両親は、日本ではという懸念を表明している。





  • [9] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月24日 23:11

    Parents march in Tokyo to urge Biden to address child custody issue
     http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20110824p2g00m0dm012000c.htmlTOKYO (Kyodo) -- Around 20 Japanese and Japan-based foreign parents who are facing difficulties in gaining access to their children following failed international marriages marched in Tokyo on Tuesday in seeking help from visiting U.S. Vice President Joe Biden to push the Japanese government to address the issue of child custody.
    Holding banners reading "Stop child abduction" and "Why don't we have rights to see our children in Japan?" the parents embarked on a march after holding a rally in a park in Tokyo's Roppongi district.
    At issue is child alienation and abduction by Japanese parents, as courts in Japan tend to award mothers sole custody after divorce and it is not unusual for children to stop seeing their fathers after their parents break up.
    Japan recently launched preparations for joining the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which sets procedures for settling cross-border child custody disputes.
    Akihisa Hirata, co-organizer of a group called Left Behind Parents Japan, said in his message to Biden, "Please urge the Japanese government to address child abduction and also establish joint parenting and joint custody."
    A male participant at the rally said, "Japanese people cannot change their behavior without a strong foreign pressure. We call for changes in the laws to realize joint custody and joint parenting, which is widely adopted in other parts of the world."
    Anthony del Vecchio, a U.S. citizen who has not seen his daughter for seven years after divorcing his Japanese wife, said before the start of the protest march, "With respect to the protection of human rights in general and children's rights in particular, Japan lags far behind the rest of the developed world."
    "Its system of sole custody upon divorce runs contrary to common sense, sound psychological research and international norms," he said.
    The U.S. State Department lists 123 active cases involving 173 children who have been abducted from the United States to Japan, but it is "not aware of a single case in which a child abducted to Japan has ever been returned to America," he said.
    Biden is on a three-day visit to Japan through Wednesday. The issue of child custody was not apparently discussed in his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan earlier in the day.
    (Mainichi Japan) August 24, 2011
  • [10] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月24日 23:11

    東京(共同通信) - 20日本と失敗した国際結婚に続く子供たちへのアクセスを得ることが困難に直面している日本に拠点を置く外国人の親アラウンドは、日本政府をプッシュする米副大統領ジョーバイデンを訪問してから助けを求めるには火曜日に東京で行進子どもの監護権の問題に対処。
    "ストップの子の奪取"と"なぜ、我々は日本で子供たちを表示する権限がないのか"を読んで保持しているバナー 両親は東京の六本木地区の公園で集会を開催した後、行進を始めた。
  • [11] mixiユーザー

    2011年08月27日 13:51

    すべての動画はこちら http://www.ustream.tv/channel/moditty
  • [12] mixiユーザー

    2011年09月08日 09:29

    Japan proves safe haven for abducted kids

    Japan proves safe haven for abducted kids
    Posted September 07, 2011 21:09:00
    掲示されます 2011年9月7日21:09:00

    Japan has not signed the Hague convention so it's becoming notorious as a safe haven for parents who abduct their own children after a relationship has broken down.

    Sarah Dingle

    CHRIS UHLMANN, PRESENTER: Japan is gaining an unwanted reputation as a black hole for international child abductions. Alone of all the industrialised nations, it hasn't signed the Hague convention, which mediates international custody disputes, so it's becoming notorious as a safe haven for parents who abduct their own children after a relationship has broken down. In Australia, a small but increasingly vocal group of so-called "left-behind parents" are suffering the pain of having their children held in a distant country against their wishes. Sarah Dingle reports.

    SARAH DINGLE, REPORTER: After a separation, some parents will go to enormous lengths to secure access to their child.
  • [13] mixiユーザー

    2011年09月08日 09:30

    Matthew Wyman has come to Japan. But the visit has turned ugly.

    There are no winners in domestic disputes, but in Matthew Wyman's case, his desperation runs deep.

    He says his two sons were abducted.

    MATTHEW WYMAN: Around Christmas 2008 my wife informed me that she wanted to take the kids back to Japan for a holiday, and I was a little bit surprised because I was thinking, "We don't have that much money to go to Japan." After a few weeks, I got a phone call from her just literally telling me that, "I'm not coming back."

    SARAH DINGLE: Matthew Wyman realised not only was the marriage over, but his role as a father was in jeopardy. He's returned to Japan with his own parents to try to spend time with his children.

    MATTHEW WYMAN: In Australia, we have dual custody, we have shared custody, but in Japan there's only - it's basically possession is nine tenths of the law. Whoever has the children keeps the children.

    SARAH DINGLE: In Japan, the issue of international left-behind parents is getting harder to ignore.

    At a recent protest in Tokyo, timed to coincide with the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden, parents said they'd had enough.

    PROTESTOR: Just gotta bring back our children. We have rights to see our children, parents have rights to see their children.

    IAN KENNEDY, FAMILY LAWYER: There is a feeling that Japan is a superior place culturally and - in terms of its social mores and that it's the ideal place for Japanese children or children perceived to be Japanese to live and be brought up.

    SARAH DINGLE: Family lawyer Ian Kennedy has advised on a number of cases of abduction to Japan. Unlike more than 80 nations, Japan still has not signed the Hague convention on international child abduction.

    IAN KENNEDY: The principles that apply in most parts of the developed world in particular don't apply to Japan and there's not the automatic ability for the Japanese courts to send the children back to their country of habitual residence under the convention.
  • [14] mixiユーザー

    2011年09月08日 09:32

    SARAH DINGLE: Japan's failure to sign doesn't just hang over the heads of parents whose children are already gone. This Sydney father of two, who we can't identify, is trying to stop his Japanese ex-wife taking the children to Japan on holiday.

    ANONYMOUS MAN: The main fear is obviously, you know, my kids returning to Japan, to the black hole of Tokyo, and not getting to see them, having no legal rights to see them. Their names'll probably be changed, they'll probably move address and I won't know where they are and it'll be basically like I'm a dead parent.

    SARAH DINGLE: After separation, he realised his true predicament, where any short Japanese holiday could become forever.

    ANONYMOUS MAN: The first step was to hide their passports, and I hid the passports and then found out that she had the Japanese passports. So then I put them on airport watch list. The way the law works, the father normally loses out and she'll probably get a holiday and I've gotta pray that she'll return, but the chances are she won't.

    SARAH DINGLE: He's now filming a documentary about a group of Australian left-behind parents with children in Japan to publicise their plight.
  • [15] mixiユーザー

    2011年09月08日 09:33

    MATTHEW WYMAN: I do think it's very important for the Australian public to be aware that Australian kids are being abducted to Japan.

    SARAH DINGLE: Matthew Wyman did manage to spend time with his children during this visit. 7.30 contacted his ex-wife, who says they're still in mediation and she rejects claims of abduction.

    ROBERT MCCLELLAND: Oh, look, I'm quietly confident that they will sign.

    SARAH DINGLE: But in the meantime, the international loophole occupied by Japan is so large that even non-Japanese couples can be caught up in it.

    So this is the last time you saw him?

    ANONYMOUS WOMAN: Yes, this is the last visit and that's the day we had to say goodbye.

    SARAH DINGLE: This Australian woman's 10-year-old son has been held in Japan by his Australian father since the boy was three. We can't show you her face because it could jeopardise when she's next allowed to see her child.

    ANONYMOUS WOMAN: We went over and while we were there, he took the passport and I wasn't able to return with our son and he's been holding him there ever since. I contacted the embassy first up -'cause I really didn't know the complications it would cause. I just assumed we were Australian and they'd be able to help us. But they basically said there's nothing they can do and I need to get a lawyer in Japan.

    SARAH DINGLE: You're not Japanese and your partner's not Japanese, and yet your child is being held in Japan against your wishes.

    ANONYMOUS WOMAN: It just seems like a safe haven for parents that want to take their child - keep their child from the other parent.
    匿名の女性:それは、ちょうど彼らの子供を連れて行き ― 他の親から彼らの子供を隠す ― たい両親のための安全避難所のようです。
  • [16] mixiユーザー

    2011年09月08日 09:34

    SARAH DINGLE: For this group of left-behind parents, their meetings are their only source of support and comfort. And for most here, there's little hope in sight. The Attorney-General has revealed that whatever Japan does, their situation will not improve.

    If Japan signs the Hague convention, is it your understanding that that will apply retrospectively to existing cases?

    ROBERT MCCLELLAND: Unfortunately, no is the answer to that. It - the obligations apply once the convention has been ratified, so it won't apply retrospectively, as I understand it, to existing cases.

    A spokesman for the Japanese consulate in Brisbane told 7.30 Japan is aware of Matthew Wyman's case and has advised him to seek assistance from the Australian embassy in Tokyo.

    In May, after years of international pressure, Japan said it would prepare to sign the Hague convention, but since then, there's been no action.

    ROBERT MCCLELLAND, ATTORNEY-GENERAL: It would probably take about 18 months, I suppose, from signature to an inquiry by the treaties committee to the development of legislation. You'd have to assume you'd be looking at least that in Japan if they decide to exceed to the convention.

    SARAH DINGLE: How much confidence do you have that Japan will actually sign the Hague Convention.

    ANONYMOUS WOMAN: It's just really sad that I've missed so much of his life. I have to just accept that I see my son once a year and wait - basically wait until he's an adult and can make his own choices.

    MATTHEW WYMAN: I've come to the realisation that they won't be returned to Australia. I have to accept that. And I have to remind my wife and her mother that please remember that they're not 100 per cent Japanese; they're also 50 per cent Australian.

    CHRIS UHLMANN: Sarah Dingle with that report.
  • [17] mixiユーザー

    2011年09月08日 09:37

    ※上記のABC Newsのリンク先には動画が付いています。
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