



2007年09月24日 07:54 更新

フランスのカルヴァドス県バイユーにて開催されるAWARD FOR WAR CORRESPONDENTShttp://www.prixbayeux.org/index.phpについてご紹介します。

pdfX12の購読申し込みをしてくれた方のブログhttp://wendymarijnissenphotojournal.blogspot.com/を訪ねてみたところ発見したのですが(こういう形でブログを拝見して新発見という事はよくあります)、ネパールの写真をよく見た事があったTomas van Houtryvehttp://www.tomasvanhoutryve.com/がこのthe Bayeux War Correspondents Awards内で"Rebellion in Nepal" を展示するという事を紹介するもので、そこに関連してリンクがあり訪ねてみました。今年で14回目を迎える戦場特派員に賞を送る目的で開催されるらしいです。

因にTomas van Houtryveは昨年特別賞を受賞してるみたいですね。写真展などのプログラムとともに内容の充実したセレモニーの様です。


14th YEAR: from 1 to 6 October 2007

From 1 to 6 October 2007, Bayeux is welcoming the 14th Bayeux-Calvados Award for war correspondents. It represents a tribute to the work carried out all year long by leading reporters and an opportunity to meet and interact with the general public, especially high school students. During the week, debates, exhibitions and forums thus offer a key to deciphering news events through the keen eye of these journalists who cover the upheavals of the planet.

After 13 years of existence and the support of loyal partners, the Bayeux-Calvados Award has nowadays acquired international renown. It is by bringing together panels of contributors such as Charles Enderlin, Gis�le Khoury, James Natchwey, Sammy Ketz, Don McCullin, Sylvain Cypel, Christian Chesnot, to name just a few, that Bayeux has found its sense of direction and gained this recognition and loyalty on the part of the media and the general public.

Jon Swain, President of the jury

The jury is made up of top names in French and international journalism and meets for two days (Friday and Saturday) in Bayeux to award a prize in each media category: Radio - Photo - Television - Written press. This year it will be chaired by a distinguished British reporter, Jon Swain, of the Sunday Times, who has covered a great many conflicts: Vietnam, East Timor, Eritrea, Congo, Lebanon, Iraq, etc.

A new Prize: the Young Reporter Prize

The Award is being enriched this year with the creation of the Young Reporter Prize. This new award will provide an opportunity to highlight young reporting talent and support the up and coming generation.

Original exhibitions and an even denser programme of events

The real strength of the Bayeux-Calvados Awards is the way it brings journalists in contact with the general public. As for this year's programme, it contains two exhibitions never before seen in France: the first by Thomas Dworzak called M*A*S*H, marking the 60th anniversary of Magnum Photos. The second has already toured the world and will be stopping off in Bayeux for its only French stage: State of the world by the Reuters agency.

Among the event's highlights is the star reporters' evening "Darfour, silence while they die", hosted by Thierry Thuillier from France 2, with a number of rare documents on show. Another poignant highlight of this 14th edition of the event: the tribute evening to Anna Politkovskaya with an as yet unseen documentary produced by Manon Loizeau, followed by a discussion on the theme of the freedom of the press in Russia in the company of journalists who have travelled specially from Moscow. In addition to all this, the creation of the Media Forum alongside the Book Fair will enable the public to meet the year's most outstanding journalists and writers.

An international journalism prize

The Bayeux-Calvados Award for war correspondents is presented in recognition of a report on a situation of conflict or its consequences for civilian populations, or on an item of news concerning the defence of liberties and democracy. The report must have been made between 1 June 2006 and 31 May 2007. A prize of €7,600 is awarded in each category. The four media categories represented: radio – photo – television – written press.

Eight Prizes will be awarded:

Five trophies :

* Written Press Trophy – Prize awarded by the Calvados General Council – €7,600
* Television Trophy – Prize awarded by the Lower Normandy Region – €7,600
* Radio Trophy – Prize awarded by the D-Day Landing Committee – €7,600
* Photo Trophy – Prize awarded by the Town of Bayeux – €7,600
* Young Reporter Trophy (new for 2007) sponsored by the Hamsa Press agency – material gift: aeroplane ticket, insurance

Three special prizes:

* The Ouest-France – Jean Marin Prize (written press) – €3,800
* The Public Prize (photo) sponsored by the CFJ and Caisse d’Epargne – €3,000
* The Lower Normandy Secondary School Students’ / Varenne Foundation Prize (Television) – €3,000


  • 2007年10月01日 (月) 6日まで
  • 海外 フランス・カルヴァドス県バイユー
  • 2007年10月01日 (月) 締切
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