

開催終了Krzysztof Debicki Exhibition "NO GODS BEFORE ME / 神は他にあらず"


2009年05月09日 19:48 更新


Krzysztof Debicki Exhibition
"NO GODS BEFORE ME / 神は他にあらず"

open 13:00 - 19:00(最終日17時まで。日祝休廊)

Artist Space CERO / Garelia CERO (Artist Spaceと同じ階のつき当たりです。)
大阪府大阪市西区北堀江1-3-11 友成ビル2F
ミクシイ・コミュニティー http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=3048990

展覧会詳細(by Krzysztof Debicki)
An exhibition in two galleries simultaneously - one is an installation, and the other a more traditional arrangement of works. Same building, different spaces, two exhibitions thematically linked.

Materials: Newsprint on board; circuit board; wood; engraving in glass, acrylic, wood, travertine, copper, mirror, and cardboard.


As the title suggest, this work deals with religious themes, which have been prevalent in my recent works.

The words “No Gods Before Me”, in their more familiar Western interpretation, refer to the first of ten commandments in the Judeo-Christian holy book. An open interpretation not based on this Judeo-Christian legacy is also possible, in reading the title as meaning “there are no gods in front of me” for instance, or some similar play on words.

The current work investigates in particular the commonalities between religion, technology, and art.

All three are considered esoteric domains, inaccessible to the layperson, their secret inner workings revealed only to those privileged or diligent enough to have spent years in pupilage.

The resulting language used in religion, technology, and art is necessarily abstruse.

The text and lines on a circuit board are as arcane to the average person as the lines of calligraphic script in an archaic holy book. Geometric abstraction can be as incomprehensible as the motherboard of a laptop computer.

Everyone has at least an awareness of religion, technology, and art, as well as a familiarity with the basic ideas they represent. However, between the layperson and his/her deeper understanding of these realms always stands an arbiter.

We depend, on other words, on someone to interpret the arcana of religion, technology, and art into terms we are comfortable with.

We can only trust that these translations are true to their origins.


  • 2009年05月12日 (火) 〜23日
  • 大阪府 Artist Space CERO / Garelia CERO
  • 2009年05月12日 (火) 締切
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