

開催終了BUTTERCUP METAL POLISH + Jacques Demierre: In Japan Again!


2007年10月05日 11:20 更新

They're back!!
今年の素晴らしいデュオサッマーツアーの後、スイスのドラムduo infernale, Buttercup Metal Polish (Nicolas Field + Alexandre Babel)はまた来日します。
今回はジュネーブのピアニスト、Jacques Demierreとトリオ共演ツアーになります。

Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre: Japan Autumn Tour 2007
With the support of the Swiss Arts Council, Pro Helvetia, and the City of Geneva

A pair of nomadic drummers with ties to the Swiss city of Geneva and further bases in Amsterdam and Berlin, Nicolas Field and Alexandre Babel are the two halves of percussive pair-up Buttercup Metal Polish.
Under that moniker, the duo sets out for structured and semi-structured improvisations that yield to none of the canonized idioms of the avant-garde, bundling raw energy with purposeful virtuosity. Field and Babel pull no punches, whether they are hitting the skins hard or scraping the eeriest of soundscapes from the bottom of their toolkits.
Having already visited the country in summer 2007 for a duo tour, Buttercup Metal Polish returns to Japan in October with Geneva pianist Jacques Demierre, a key presence in the European improvisation scene for the past 30 years and a regular companion of such free music luminaries as Urs Leimgruber, Irene Schweizer or Barre Phillips. This visit to Japan will take him on his first extended tour with regular collaborators Buttercup Metal Polish.

The trio’s Japan dates will launch yet another series off-the-cuff juxtapositions and interpolations with fellow free spirits, featuring some of the key figures in Japanese avant-garde jazz and improvised music.

10/9 Tokyo (Koenji), Penguin House: Buttercup Metal Polish, with Ryuta Kawabata, Gianni Gebbia (http://www3.plala.or.jp/FREEDOM/PENGUIN.htm)
open 19:00 start 19:30 2,000 yen + drink

10/11 Tokyo (Kichijoji), Mandala 2: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with Yasuhiro Yoshigaki (http://www.mandala.gr.jp/man2.html)
open 18:30 start 19:30 adv 2,500 yen + drink door 3,000 yen + drink

10/12 Kyoto, UrbanGuild: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with BusRatch, A SNORE (http://urbanguild.net/)
open 18:30, start 19:30 adv 2,000 yen door 2,500

10/13 Kobe, Big Apple: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with Tim Olive and Bunsho Nishikawa (http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/i/big-apple/)
open 18:30 start 19:30 adv 2,500 yen door 2, 800 yen

10/14 Yokohama, Airegin: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre (http://www.airegin.jp/)
open 19:00 start 19:45 2,500 yen

10/15 Yokohama, ZAIM: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre (http://za-im.jp)
open 18:30 start 19:00 2,000 yen

10/16 Tokyo (Nishi-Azabu), Super Deluxe: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with Michiyo Yagi (http://www.super-deluxe.com)
open 19:30 start 20:00 adv 3,000 yen door 3,330 yen (1 drink in)

10/17 Nagoya, K.D Japon: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with Lethe and others (http://www2.odn.ne.jp/kdjapon/)
open 18:30 start 19:00 adv 1,800 yen door 2,300 yen

For additional live dates and updates, please consult:

Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre: Japan Tour 2007
2006年に別々のプロジェクト(The Same Girl, Gekko)で来日しスーパー・デラックスでも演奏したスイスのパーカッショ二スト二コラ・フィールド(Nicolas Field)とアレクサンドル・バベル(Alexandre Babel)は今年7-8月にバターカップ・メタル・ポリシュ(Buttercup Metal Polish)というドラムデュオで全国ツアーを行いました。10月に、バベルとフィールドはジュネーブのピアニスト、ジャーク・デュミエール (Jacques Demierre)とのトリオでまた来日します。
今回のライブでも、この3人の攻撃的な強さ、そして彼らの想いを感じられることでしょう。また、様々な素晴らしい日本のミュージシャンは、 Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierreと共演をしに出って来ます。Not to be missed!

10/9 東京 (高円寺) ペンギン・ハウス: Buttercup Metal Polish, with リュタカワバタ, Gianni Gebbia (ITA)
open 19:00 start 19:30 2,000 yen + drink

10/11 東京 (吉祥寺) マンダラ 2: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with 芳垣安洋
open 18:30 start 19:00 adv 2,500 yen + drink door 3,000 yen + drink

10/12 京都 アーバン・ギルド: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with BusRatch, A SNORE
open 18:30, start 19:30 adv 2,000 yen door 2,500

10/13 神戸 ビッグ・アップル: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with Tim Olive + 西川文章 (http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/i/big-apple/)
open 18:30 start 19:30 adv 2,500 yen door 2, 800 yen

10/14 横浜 エアジン: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre (http://www.airegin.jp/)
open 19:00 start 19:45 2,500 yen

10/15 横浜 ZAIM : Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre (http://za-im.jp)
open 18 :30 start 19 :00 2,000 yen

10/16 東京 (西麻布) スーパー・デラックス: Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with 八木美知依
open 19:30 start 20:00 adv 3,000 yen door 3,330 yen (1 drink in)

10/17 名古屋 K.D Japon : Buttercup Metal Polish + Jacques Demierre, with Lethe and others (http://www2.odn.ne.jp/kdjapon/)
open 18:30 start 19:00 adv 1,800 yen door 2,300 yen


BIO +:

Buttercup Metal Polish (Nicolas Field, Alexandre Babel) performed or recorded with:
Keiji Haino, Otomo Yoshihide, Yasuhiro Yoshigaki, Kumiko Takara, Tetuzi Akiyama, Taku Unami, Seijiro Murayama, Fuckhead, CIP, Fritz Hauser, Han Bennink, Atsuhiro Ito, K.K. Null, Peeesseye, MoHa!, Gekko, The Same Girl, Hans Koch, Christian Weber, Grey Daturas, Anthony Pateras, Vincent Haenni, Maja Ratkje, Fe-mail, Noxagt, Jazzkammer, Ultralyd, etc.

Jacques Demierre performed or recorded with:
Tetsu Saitoh, Koichi Makigami, Barre Philips, Urs Leimgruber, Thomas Lehn, Martial Solal, Radu Malfatti, Joelle Leandre, Axel Doerner, Fritz Hauser, Sainkho Namtchylak, Urs Bloechlinger, Irene Schweizer, Hans Koch, Isabelle Duthoit, Brandon Labelle, Jason Kahn, Butch Morris, Carlos Zingaro, Gunter Mueller, Jaap Blonk, Barry Guy, Lucas Niggli, Sylvie Courvoisier, Hann Bennink, Rhodri Davis, Martin Schuetz, Paul Lovens, Dorothea Schuerch, Phil Minton, etc.


  • 2007年10月09日 (火)
  • 都道府県未定
  • 2007年10月09日 (火) 締切
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