

開催終了『DUB BOX』vol.3 @Mile Stone


2009年09月17日 20:25 更新



『DUB BOX』vol.3

9/22 開催決定!!!!

樺太アイヌの伝統弦楽器『トンコリ』を現代に復活させたOKI率いる日本/アイヌ発のプログレッシブ・ルーツ・バンド『DUB AINU BAND』。いにしえの楽器トンコリを大胆にもオール電化し、ベースとドラムで強靭補強したヘヴィなライブサウンドに、アイヌに歌い継がれる
混じった唯一無二の越境サウンド。これまでに主に海外フェスでライブ実績を重ね熱狂的に迎えられたサウンドが、06年12月3日のアルバム「OKI DUB AINU BAND」のリリースを機に遂に日本上陸。メンバーはトンコリ、ギター、ヴォーカルを操る“OKI”、湘南をベースに数々のレゲエバンドで活躍するベーシスト“ヒロヒサ”、トンコリ/コーラスと勇壮な
“沼澤 尚”とDry&Heavy,Little Tempo,Flying Rhythms等で活躍するDUBエンジニア “内田直之”を加えた妥協無き面々。

OKI was born to a Japanese mother and an Ainu father. After graduating in crafts at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, he moved to New York in 1987, where he worked as special effects artist on film productions. He returned to Japan in 1992, and was presented with his first tonkori - the traditional stringed instrument of the Karafuto Ainu. Originating from the Sakhalin Island, the instrument inspired him to relocate to Hokkaido, where he taught himself to play and craft the tonkori. Currently, OKI is the most prominent performer of this instrument in the world. His contemporary approach, which fuses Reggae, African and Electronica with Ainu folk melodies, has won praise not only in Japan, but also worldwide. Through his active participation in the United Nations' Working Group on Indigenous Populations (WGIP), OKI has developed a network with other indigenous artists. He has collaborated so far with the well-known Native American Flutist, R. Carlos Nakai, the Australian Aboriginal band, Waak Waak Jungi, the Taiwanese singer-songwriter, Pau-Dull (Chien-Nien), as well as Abe Barreto Soares, the East Timorese poet, and the Siberian vocalist, Olga Letykai Csonka. Many of these collaborations are featured on his latest album, No-One's Land, released in 2002. OKI is accredited as the producer for the widely acclaimed CDs Ihunke (2001) and Upopo Sanke (2003), both featuring Umeko Ando, the renowned Ainu performer of the mukkuri (Jew's harp) and upopo (traditional chanting). In 2004, OKI toured throughout the US, as well as performing at WOMAD in Australia, with his band OKI & the Far East Band. In 2005 OKI Dub Ainu Band were one of the sensations of the WOMAD festival in the UK, where they also appeared with the highly regarded British broadcaster Charlie Gillett live on BBC London. In 2006 OKi Dub Ainu Band were the closing act at the City of London Festival and the group toured in Norway and Spain. Oki recorded with Irish group Kila on the album Oki and Kila, receiving rave reviews by fRoots (playlist) and Songlines (Top of the World). Tracks from Oki's Dub Ainu CD have been selected for Charlie Gillett's Sound of the World compilation 2006 (Rhino/Warner Bros.) and the Very Best of World Music (Nascente). Discography- Kamuy Kor Nurpurpe (1996), Hankapuy feat. Umeko Ando (1999) No One's Land (2002) Dub Ainu (2004) Tonkori (2005) Dub Ainu Deluxe (2006) OKI Dub Ainu Band (2007) Producer works: Umeko Ando, Ihunke (2001), Umeko Ando, Upopo Sanke (2003)

現在もっともパーティの現場から厚く信頼され、日本中のおもしろパーティをトビ廻るDJ。ゆるい次男。ネコ好き。高円寺の人間交差点こと〈GRASSROOTS〉のハコ番。Dr.TETSUとのユニットBLAST HEADとしても活躍&音源制作中。「フリー・フォームを超えたフリー・フォーム」と云われるほどの自由な在り方で、古今東西縦横無尽にジャンルを超えてオール・ミックス。

DJ HIKARU is most reliable DJ supported in party scene widely, bouncing around party to party all over japan. A loose second boy brother. A cat-lover.The resident DJ of "GRASSROOTS" aka HUMAN SCRAMBLE at KOUENJI TOKYO. He also has carrier on his unit "BLAST HEAD" with Dr.Tetsu,making their original sound. His freely style DJing is well known as "Free form which exceed Free Form", mixing all jenre music of all ages and countries freely, no border or no limit.


  • [1] mixiユーザー

    2009年09月20日 18:37

  • [2] mixiユーザー

    2009年09月22日 04:55




    just open your mind★★
  • 2009年09月22日 (火) open 22:00~
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