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詳細 2020年4月19日 18:01更新

(It is a community concerning the Globalization.
You mention anything besides the question, the doubt, and the opinion from the international situation and the international politics to the close globalization [For instance, I have foreigner's friend, and I always go to the English conversation classroom, etc.], if you please.
Any people who doesn't know still at all will form the community in your own way together.)

(Sister community, the Americanization, if you please.)






























=========In English=========

●Globalization (グローバリゼーション)―
Describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade. The term is most closely associated with the term economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, the spread of technology, and military presence. However, the globalization is usually recognized as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political, and biological factors. The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation. An aspect of the world which has gone through the process can be said to be globalized.

The historical origins of globalization are the subject of on-going debate. Though some scholars situate the origins of globalization in the modern era, others regard it as a phenomenon with a long history. Through extent of the Silk Road and Spice trade routes blocked by the Ottoman Empire spurring exploration, the Age of Discovery brought a broad change in the globalization, being the first period in which Eurasia and Africa engaged in substantial cultural, material and biologic exchange with the New World. It began in the late 15th century. The first exploratory voyages around the Horn of Africa and to the Americas, "discovered" by Christopher Columbus. And then, 19th century Great Britain become the first global economic superpower, because of superior manufacturing technology and improved global communications.

On the other hand, the globalization is made a metaphor like Americanization. According to some scholar suggests that Anti-Americanism cannot be isolated as a consistent phenomenon and that the term originated as a rough composite of stereotypes, prejudices and criticisms towards Americans or the United States, evolving to more politically and economically based criticism.

When it is said more clearly, to be the one that the globalization is admitted:

・English importance as the international common language. (Chinese is the case which is included in them)

・Uniting and coordinated deepen of world economy.

・Development of trade.

・Increase of international flow of the capital including direct equity investment.

・Development of international finance system.

・Rise of rule ratio of world economy by multinational company.

・Development of supply chain management that does the best procurement and sales in the world.

・Airlines and development of distribution network by sea route increase of marine transportation.

・Increase of flow of data that crosses border where technologies such as the Internet, communications satellites, and calling were used.

・Increase of mark and law, etc. ―applied to global target―. (example: Copyright Law)

・Increase at chance of exchange of making to lection.

・Exchange and interchange of increasing international culture. The example includes diffusion of a running American culture of the export of Hollywood picture.

・Assimilation, uniting, change to Europe and America, Americanization (Americanize) of culture, and a decrease in cultural difference ―change to Japan and change to Chinese―.

・Increasing traveling abroad and sightseeing.

・Increase of migrant who includes illegal immigrant.

・Unification of political subject.

・National dominion and decline of border (main point) ―international decision to organization such as World Trade Organizations (WTO)―.

・Organization expansion such as NGO not caught in frame of national nation.

・Increase of roles of international organizations of WTO, WIPO, and IMF, etc.

・Globalization of social trouble.

・Worldwide fashion of epidemic.

・Environmental problems in the entire earth.

・Worldwide participation in dispute.


○関連項目―英語、インターネット、大航海時代、シルクロード、植民地化、携帯電話、テレビ、ラジオ、映画、通信衛星、欧米化、情報ネットワーク、日本のアニメ漫画、戦争、開発、貿易、スイス銀行、国際交流、エスニック料理、格差社会、国際連合、NGO、NPO、SNS、エアライン、(無)差別、ウィキペディア、ブログ、You Tube、産業革命、クレジットカード、Twitter、ボランティア、コンピュータゲーム、人権、コカ・コーラ、ファーストフード、ファミリーレストラン、宿泊施設、コンビニエンスストア、出会い系サイト、環境問題、鉄道、インターナショナリゼーション、輸送、アメリカナイゼーション、自動車産業、オリンピック、パラリンピック、ワールドカップ、グローバル資本主義、世界の一体化、反グローバリゼーション、マルクス主義、レスリング、ブランド、ウェブサイト、キャバレー、風俗、ギャンブル、フットボール、サッカー、宗教、ガソリンスタンド、コスモポリタン、国境なき医師団、国境なき記者団



参加メンバー 8人




