

Business Conversation ClassコミュのAbout grading and the last class of this year

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We decided the following 2 rules in the class on 12/6.

1. We basically decide our grade based on Gabuchan's point
2. If you were absent more than 4 times, you should submit a report or reports about BEP.

 The number of your reports depends on how many times you were absent. If you were absent 4 times, you should submit 1 report. And if 5 times, 2 reports. 6 times, 3 reports..........
The report should be submitted on mixi. And the rest of students will evaluate the report.

And I want to ask whether you will attend the last class on 12/20 of which my group are in charge.

The boarder of C grade is 600 points. And penalty of absence is -75 points. That means you don't have to attend the last class if you have more than 675 points and C grade is enough for you. Besides, people who have more than 900 points can be absent without the penalty.

As the team which will host the last class, we want to know how many people will come to the last
class. We will ask that again in next class. Please think about that.

If you want to add more info or correct my mistake, please write here.


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Thanks for your review of how I will grade this fall.

The question I have is:

Is the report based on BEP or on the group presented topic on one of the day the student was absent? (For example, if I were absent for M3, M5, M7 and M9, I would have to write about the topic for one of those days which I could find in Mixi. I think that was what we decided on, and not BEP. Am I wrong?)
You're right. Sorry, I just remembered only the old one. lol




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