

EnglishとJapanese 英会話交換コミュのNagano(長野) looking for a partner!

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Male 男性
British イギリス人
Matsumoto 松本市

Please teach me
Japanese!    私に日本語を教えて下さい!
get in touch!  連絡ください!

I live in Ueda,looking for language exchange partner.

Please teach me English and get in touch!
Hi there,

I am a 43-year-old Japanese guy living in Ueda and am looking for someone I can hang out and speak English with.

I will teach you Japanese in exchange, of course. I like soccer, running, reading, listening to music, and hanging out.

Get in touch!

Kazuhiko (Eddie)
Hi dude :)

I live in Nara now

I want to study English with English speaker because I want to study VFX in CF

I very very want to understand and talk English well

My age is 20 this year and sex is male but I don't care your age and sex :]

I think Skype is one of good English study way :]

And meet directly way is good too :]

As you know my English skill is very poor x(

Please message or contact :)

here my Skype ID eorihomots
I'm Yoshiko. I'm 30 yrs old. I live in Saku and looking for someone who can talk in English with. Of course I'll teach you Japanese.
If you live near, please tell me. Thank you.

Hello, I live in Matsumoto. I'm looking for English teacher. I finished Japanese(420hours).
so I 'll teach you Japanese.
Please contact me!
Hey buddy!! 's up?
I'm livin in Matsumoto. I'm Japanese 33 years old guy.
I came back here this May from Vancouver, Canada.
am looking for English speaker. cuz I'll really forget to speak English.
This city is country side. so If you have time, please contact me.
I'm 45 yrs old.

Please teach me English conversation.  
Please get in touch.exclamation ×2わーい(嬉しい顔)
Im gonta from Komagane.
Lets learn english together.
Please contact me.

My skype is redcolor19741
Good evening.
I like English very much.
So want to make a lot of friend with English in this circle which wants to take a lot of communication,thanking you in advance.
Plese contact me!!!!

I am looking to make Japanese friends.
People I cna tal to and or hang out with in person.
I can help you learn English whilst I continue to practice my Japanese.
I live in Yokohama area. but can easily access most places thanks to the Tokyo Toyoko line. :D please feel free to message me!

and here is a picture of me so you know who you;re messaging. ^___^



EnglishとJapanese 英会話交換 更新情報

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