

EnglishWorks 英会話コミュのIntroductions, please!

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Since this is a community for those who want to learn English, I will begin a topic in English.

Of course, we should all introduce ourselves before anything else. So let me start!

My name is Rizza (single~ウインク ), and I live in the Philippnes. I graduated from De La Salle University in Manila with Major in Japanese Studies. I've been interested in Japanese animation and culture since my high school days, so I enjoyed studying my course in university.

My favorite animation and Japanese comic book is るろうに剣心! Of course, I have a few more favorites, but that has a special place in my heart because it was the first I ever loved. ハート達(複数ハート)

So that's me! I'd love for anyone to comment or start their own topic. It's a little sad because there are only a few of us here 泣き顔 but I hope soon we'll be a big community!


むかっ(怒り)Hello, Naoko!手(チョキ)

We would like to welcome you to EnglishWorks! 富士山

You've been to Canada for four months, and you're already this good!exclamation ×2 There's nothing wrong with your English at all. Keep it up!指でOK

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us anytime.

揺れるハートWe hope you enjoy your stay with us~あっかんべー

Jo and Rizza
Hellow... Jo and Rizza

My name is Tomomi.

Nice to meet you.ぴかぴか(新しい)

Thank you for inviting from you.
I can't speaking English well but I think that I can speak English more.

I went out recenrly to the international exchange party.
I had a good time there.

Me too...I want to learn English.
Chould you tell me English conversation.
Hello, MANGO-san~~~手(パー)

Welcome to EnglishWorks! We're so happy another one joined the community.

You can talk about anything here. If there is something you want to talk about, you can start a topic.バー

The international exchange party sounds very interesting!むかっ(怒り) Where did you go, and what did you do? What interesting things did you see?犬

I went to the Halloween party recently.

I put on the hat of the pumpkin.
A lot of people did disguise of the Halloween.ムード

The international party is various places.
I talked with a foreigner and Japanese people.

What kind of impression does the Japanese think in from a foreigner?
Hello Tomomi-san! 晴れ

That is soo cool! What kinds of costumes were there?

Your costume is so cute! Do you buy those costumes or can you rent them?



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