

外国人English愛好会 IN広島☆コミュのAbout Japanese!!

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if you have a question about Japanese.
You can ask anything here!
we will help you☆
Let`s study language together☆


I have a question. Today I heard "すみませんでした”

Does that mean, "It has not ended."
すみませんでしたmeans like "I`m sorry" for past.
maybe! does anyone know about it?
I never heard the term "sumimasendeshita" until two days ago and I've heard it 4 times in the last two days. I think maybe I just understand it now. I understand a lot more in classes now. I'm studying right now. I like Japanese.

What do students say when they want to know the meaning of an English word in Japanese? It sounds like:
But I don't think that's what they are saying.
also, what do they say when it's the next students turn for something? It sounds like:
こたい or こだい

Thank you. Please ask me questions about English also.
my opinion
basecally すみません means 'im sorry' i think.
but the phrase of 『済みません』exist.
this word's pronouns is sumimasen,too.
but this letter has the meaning of
'it has not ended yet'

sorry for poor explanation.
when japanese want to ask the meaning of something
we say どういういみ? 
it means what does it mean?
いみ means 'meaning'

next answer is maybe こうたい。
it means the changing of turn.

so i d like to ask the question.
i often happen to meet a professional sports player
such as sunfrecce and carp...
so the end of the conversation,
i would like to say a word to cheer him up.
japanese will say がんばって!
the proper expression i cant understand.
please give me advice please
maybe someone can explain to me why japanese people (especially those from Tokyo) are so reserved. Why do they view everything as "ayashi" or sketchy? Why such a low propensity towards new things? i am not against it or anything, i just find it a bit interesting.
hiroshima-ben question... What is Jakke? My students tried to teach me today.
Why do some girls say "bye-B!" ? Is it a manzai joke or something?



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