






Keynote Address by Taoiseach Micheál Martin: Building Common Ground

have happened without John Hume; the vision, tenacity and sheer will he irrefutable moral and intellectual case for non-violence. As he said so often

  • 2022年05月27日 18:34
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Secretary Blinken's Remarks at Georgetown Commencement Ceremony

. Colin drilled this into his three kids as they grew up. He was the son every team that he built. It’s why he worked so hard, as he used to say

  • 2022年05月26日 21:21
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】 直径6ミリ0度ー315度−270度の円弧に直径1ミリの円。 〔33〕【づ・HE】 270度5ミリの直線に直径1ミリの円。 〔34 ・he・810】 直径12ミリ180度ー225度ー270度の円弧に直径1ミリの円。 〔47〕【び・pe・人たち】 直径6ミリ270度

  • 1人が参加中



Special Address by Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary-General, North Atlantic Treaty Organization

December, President Putin presented an ultimatum to NATO. He demanded a eastern part our Alliance. And to end NATO enlargement. He wanted less

  • 2022年05月25日 15:02
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World Economic Forum meet in Davos: Zelensky addresses World's Business Elite

cause if he sees that he is not being resisted enough. As it was, for

  • 2022年05月25日 14:36
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Von der Leyen speaks at Davos 2022

. Yesterday in his speech here in Davos, he recognised the unprecedented unity

  • 2022年05月24日 20:24
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埼玉英語会  英検1級・準1級 トピック

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Boris Bondarev's Scathing Resignation Letter

years, he went from a professional and educated intellectual, whom many

  • 2022年05月24日 08:56
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Anthony Albanese delivers victory speech after clinching win over Coalition

him well. And I thank him for the service that he has given to our

  • 2022年05月23日 19:13
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College of Engineering and Computing: CEC Commencement Ceremony Sean Lane

minted second lieutenant in the US Airforce version of Sean Lane if he day I interviewed our first software engineer - he still works at olive

  • 2022年05月23日 06:42
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! Jesus is not a means to an end. The gospel is He came to redeem us from

  • 2022年05月22日 22:40
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Commencement 2022: Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak's Address

an intrepid nation, that nation which actually made him who he is. A

  • 2022年05月20日 12:21
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Jordan Peterson | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

, "he who has a why can bear any how." I’ve certainly seen this as a

  • 2022年05月20日 08:25
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きどりっこ data

(and he comes and goes) / GYM 6.出口はどこかの入口 / GYM 7.FOR SUNDAY / ビス

  • 2023年10月15日 03:54
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Congress holds historic open hearing on UFOs

chairman Adam Schiff for any comments he wishes to make. Adam Schiff: (05 aviator with over 2,000 flight hours. He called me personally from the

  • 2022年05月18日 09:20
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埼玉英語会  英検1級・準1級 トピック

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Turkey says it will veto Finland and Sweden's Nato membership

approve their bids to join Nato. He has labelled Sweden a "hatchery" for

  • 2022年05月17日 10:18
  • 11人が参加中



デュエットアルバム“He Sang She Sang”

Marcは奥様のAmy Skyとのデュエットアルバム“He Sang She Sang”の発売を予定。 ファーストシングル"Free

  • 05月03日 15:23
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Redesigning Contingency Planning Mechanisms in Northeast Asia

2021, an eventful few years. He served, beyond that 40 years in uniform -star rank in the U.S. Navy. He commanded U.S. Pacific Command, U.S

  • 2022年05月14日 09:10
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NATO and Russia’s War on Ukraine: A Conversation with NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana

. Seeing what he perceived to be major tensions at the heart of the Atlantic ; to be with us today. He is, of course, the first Deputy Secretary from

  • 2022年05月13日 07:19
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埼玉英語会  英検1級・準1級 トピック

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

'Putin restored unity of the west' - Ukrainian official

decision is "natural and predictable". He added that he thought Sweden

  • 2022年05月13日 00:09
  • 11人が参加中



"You cannot seriously sit down with Putin anymore" - German diplomat Christoph Heusgen

Security Conference. He has been working in foreign policies for more than 40 President, he would’ve been much tougher on Russia than President Biden is. So

  • 2022年05月12日 07:14
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2022 National Teacher of the Year Kurt Russell discusses the joys and challenges his job 5/01/22

Thomas, and he just gave me representation. Speaker 1: (00:53) How have

  • 2022年05月10日 00:27
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UFC 274: Dana White Post-Fight Press Conference

Cowboy as well. Obviously that fight got pulled, because he was… Have you , he got food poisoning. He went to some taco place last night, and got

  • 2022年05月09日 23:52
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An address by Opposition Leader - Anthony Albanese

. He began: “On the great waters of the Pacific Ocean war now breathes

  • 2022年05月09日 01:02
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Trevor Noah COMPLETE REMARKS at 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner

? Apparently Jeff got fired after he tried to keep his workplace relationship a secret, which is weird because if he really didn’t want anyone to know

  • 2022年05月08日 13:29
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Trevor Noah COMPLETE REMARKS at 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner

journalists. Isn’t that right, Chris Cuomo? Where is Chris, by the way? Is he that he found the time. He’s been so busy trying to outmaneuver Trump for

  • 2022年05月08日 13:27
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Trevor Noah COMPLETE REMARKS at 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner

House the other day just as he announced he’s leaving the show. Great . Billy, where are you again? Where is he? Well Billy, you’re famous for

  • 2022年05月08日 12:42
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Trevor Noah COMPLETE REMARKS at 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner

my son because he is sitting next to the president of the United States the time Steven was five, he was writing scripts, he was doing fake

  • 2022年05月08日 12:40
  • 1195人が参加中



2022 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

I think that’s a safe place to be. James Corden : (03:15)Has he once in a while? Speaker 8: (04:50)But he goes to Delaware. James

  • 2022年05月08日 12:24
  • 1195人が参加中



George Soros on China, Xi Jinping, and the Threat from Within: Delivered at the Hoover Institution

Taiwan. President Biden has generally adopted the right policies. He told Putin that Russia will pay a heavy price if he attacks Ukraine, but

  • 2022年05月07日 10:24
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Exclusive: Bill Gates Talks Divorce, Jeffrey Epstein, Elon Musk

the past decade. He also famously predicted the world was unprepared for after he and Melinda, his wife of 27 years, announced their divorce one

  • 2022年05月06日 23:05
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Senate Democrats Speak On Senate Steps About Urgent Need To Protect A Woman’s Right to Choose 5/03/22

on one point. He seemed to make a very strong argument that since the McConnell did, he held out and he got his wish. Trump won, and he came back

  • 2022年05月06日 22:52
  • 1195人が参加中


年西暦2017 1・ 世界と向き合うIISei(偉聖) 世界と交わるYOUx信ずるSHEx参ずるHE Ⅰ【知性】知性を磨く神々/Ⅱ

  • 47708人が参加中

埼玉英語会  英検1級・準1級 トピック

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Israel fury at Lavrov's Hitler 'part Jewish' claim

believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood," he said. His remarks play error", and he has demanded an apology.

  • 2022年05月03日 01:18
  • 11人が参加中



Singapore needs to chart a new way forward in a post-pandemic future: Lawrence Wong at May Day rally

workers iv. In particular, as Brother Chee Meng said just now, he had

  • 2022年05月02日 01:34
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Madeleine Albright Eulogy from Speaker Nancy Pelosi 4/27/22.

decades I think, it seemed like a long time, he worshiped at the shrine of Madeleine Albright. When she would call me, if he had the phone first, I would

  • 2022年05月01日 12:42
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埼玉英語会  英検1級・準1級 トピック

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Russia trying to destroy all life in Donbas - Zelensky

uninhabited". He also spoke about the rocket attacks on Kyiv during the UN powerful response," he said. Separately, he also told Polish media that

  • 2022年05月01日 01:24
  • 11人が参加中



Madeleine Albright spent life helping other women, former Secretary of State Clinton says

.” And I was thrilled when he agreed. Hillary Clinton: (05:24) When

  • 2022年04月30日 08:35
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Madeleine Albright was ‘a force for good in the world,’ Biden says in eulogy

[inaudible 00:02:33] when he died I remember when Madeleine eulogized him, she used these words and I quote, “He cast light into places of deepest

  • 2022年04月30日 08:28
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Albright was the ‘voice of America at its best,’ former President Clinton says in eulogy

doing exactly what he tells me to do. So, I’m getting good care and change, the Senate voted against it 98 to nothing before he got off the

  • 2022年04月30日 08:24
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埼玉英語会  英検1級・準1級 トピック

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Ukraine meddlers risk lightening-fast response - Putin

Ukraine" he said speaking just now to Russian lawmakers, "our response them if necessary," he said. The Russian leader added all decisions on

  • 2022年04月28日 01:03
  • 11人が参加中



President Biden Delivers Remarks on Earth Day

once worked as a Park Ranger — I didn’t know he had been a Park was not in the coal mines; he was in sales — but the whole economy

  • 2022年04月23日 08:41
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What Now? | Bishop Matthew Kukah | TEDxMaitama Naigeria

problem to get into 00:01:24university he or she finally gets into 00:01 :05:51them who Harry himself had said he was 00:05:54retiring from

  • 2022年04月19日 02:36
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Easter Day Sung Eucharist - 17th April 2022 | Canterbury Cathedral

he declared, ‘The end of the world has arrived.’ It wasn’t just the

  • 2022年04月19日 02:08
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String theory - Brian Greene

. He proposed that our universe might actually have more than the three even Newton had written that although he understood how to calculate the

  • 2022年04月18日 11:33
  • 1195人が参加中



Governor Hochul Delivers 2022 State of the State Address

jobs, he gave people hope. The policies of his New Deal didn’t just growth and the birth of the middle class. Again and again, he focused on

  • 2022年04月17日 18:25
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埼玉英語会  英検1級・準1級 トピック

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Zelensky warns of potential Russian nuclear strike

on Friday. Zelensky was asked in a CNN interview about whether he not be afraid, not be afraid but be ready," he continued. "But that is

  • 2022年04月17日 00:16
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埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Zelensky marks 50 days of war

many world leaders in a different way, " he says, recalling his more in these 50 days than some statesmen who claimed leadership," he

  • 2022年04月15日 23:17
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埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

CIA director won't rule out Russia resorting to nuclear option

speech, he also warned that a “pugnacious and revisionist Russia” could , which he said was critical in solidifying the Western alliance and

  • 2022年04月15日 23:14
  • 11人が参加中



Federal Budget 2022: Morrison questioned over 'temporary fixes', motive | 9 News Australia

Thursday night. He can't say I'll do one in September if he's elected , and he needs to get up on Thursday night and explain that. We have a

  • 2022年04月12日 17:42
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埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 のトピック

Russia is afraid to admit 'cowardly' mistakes - Zelensky

) "They can use even more missiles against us, even more air bombs, " he said. "But we are preparing for their actions. We will respond." He

  • 2022年04月11日 23:33
  • 11人が参加中