





. ?especially i welcome members who are interested in music.this is just my hope ★〔地域別〕★ 東京に住んでるよ →living in tokyo http://mixi.jp/view_bbs.pl?id

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Japanese & Foreigners PLAZA

estate agents in Japan that welcome foreign tenants Our site is devoted to want to get information about living in Japan, For example renting a room

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to our Int'l Party Tokyo's official Mixi Page!! We have parties in 250人規模(銀座パーティー)の国際パーティー東京! 外国人比率平均約40%多国籍な友人作り♪外国語の実践の場 Welcome

  • 922人が参加中

国際交流 ”We love JAPAN”

an international exchange. Appearance in Tokyo which the tourist from place to host, after confirming by yourself in the topic, participate

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outdoor club in Tokyo for Japanese and foreign people to enjoy outdoor and or some gentle exercise in the beautiful Japanese countryside. A

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party there are chances to meet various people living based in Tokyo such a great event deal in Tokyo) ☆ Participation in the middle

  • 13人が参加中


たの訪問も何かの縁だと思います。 My Mixi is applied for, and the very welcome. It is not necessary to &Gallery「gravity」がありますが、管理人さんと連絡が不通のためこちらに引越しいたしました。 ★★★★★★★★★★★NICE TO

  • 39人が参加中


籍娯楽研究会」です。 ここは外国人と日本人の交流と旅を目的としたコミュニティです。 Welcome to iloQni or explore japan have interest in Japan, and want to know, want to learn about Japan

  • 751人が参加中

"English Speaking People"

could be! Such as, Chinese in Tokyo, learning Chinese, working on some in Tokyo. Asia loves the World and the World loves Asia. There are no

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group that was founded on June 11th in Tokyo which aims to promote the interactions between the Taiwanese students living in Japan and the Japanese that

  • 24人が参加中


MARZ *only in Japanese MARZ TEL03-3202-8248 (Sat) BACK TO THE 80'S @DecadanceBAR !!御来場ありがとうございました!! ■8/25(Sat

  • 421人が参加中

UC Irvine 日本人学生会(JSA)

模)  4月JSN主催Tokyo Night  5月ワイナリーツアー In Santa Barbara(UCSB JSA合同企画)  6月 UC Irvine 日本人会JSA (Japanese Student Association) UC Irvine JSAは

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cultural exchange with Japan (and the world) is welcome to join Everyone is welcome, even if you don't speak Japanese (or English). We'd be

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posting topics. Thank you and welcome to a new type of mixed/half-Japanese you are half-Japanese or of mixed race and are ethnically Japanese in

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   WELCOME TO PROGRESSIVE SHAKE!          コミ biggest clubs in Japan, and become one of the most respected nights in Tokyo

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関東 飲み隊

※横浜飲み隊だとちょっと限定されるので関東に拡張しました Hello! Welcome to the Nomitai Kanto , WA, USA by a group of Japanese people living in the area as well as

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held in only Tokyo. 現状と近々の活動予定 / Plans of our activities コミ . - Our gathering will be held in the alcoholic party style to break the ice

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ZERO FIGHTER the allian sound


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smoking of sheesha/Hookah/waterpipe in Tokyo. And introduction to the Arabic culture and language. The event is held once a month in Cafe Layla

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Japanese people fascinated and interested in foreign countries converge and are for foreigners living in North Tokyo, others are aimed at getting

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Japanese speakers! Get together and talk about Tokyo each other in E/J ! "I'm not in Tokyo now!" That's OK! All of you guys are WELCOME!Tell us

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World Fun Runners

those not so local, Gaijins, who want to practice Japanese while keeping . This is the Road to Tokyo Marathon 2010 on Sunday February 28th. We

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" reports in overseas are welcome. Enjoy this new Japanese pop culture! , the "Itasha" is being flown to overseas. In fact, it's confirmed to be

  • 10人が参加中

写真家 塩谷賢作

Culture Center in Lithuania. I used to have a photography class in Tokyo to have an opportunity to teach photography at TSURU, the Japanese

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Jump Start Club

country and/or living in Japan and would like to meet new and interesting have members of many nationalities who share common interests in Japanese

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Shonan Dance Music Festival

regular at all the big clubs in Tokyo, and has played alongside big names his ghetto funk and bumpy house style to the beach in Enoshima. Veteran

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The Pale Brood

Welcome to the Pale Brood mixi community! ザ•ペール•ブル で購入できます! http://lastarrow.ocnk.net/product/7 The Pale Brood are a Tokyo-based

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Buddhist Congregation(IBC)

Welcome to this page! This community is International Buddhist in our daily lives. We started its activities in 2001 to share the

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International Exchange 町田

★International Exchange in Machida★ Welcome to the ★International Japanese friends and communicate with people from anywhere in the world in

  • 36人が参加中

International Futsal Club

the world in Tokyo, Japan! Wanted!!; ・who wants to make other ※Anybody who wants to get opportunities to meet with new people in Tokyo

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Cool Japan Party/Art Craft

Kon-nichiwa! Welcome to our community We will make many Event☆☆ We will be holding the dinner cruise on "YAKATA-BUNE" in Tokyo

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Simple language exchange!

Hi guys, I am Andy from Tokyo. I just got back to Japan from club in Tokyo. The system is quite simple. Members are consist of

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Kookaburra Mom's Homestay

Hervey Bay with some Japanese girls to assist me. We organise homestay and 談に乗りますのでお気軽に声をかけてください。   Welcome to the warm, safe and happy enbironment of the experienced homestay

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Dralion Japan 2007

. ---------------------------------------------- WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL MIXI GROUP FOR DRALION IN JAPAN OFFICIAL WEBSITE =6032870 Sorry I don't speak Japanese but you can write to me in French or

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-) Discussion is always done in Japanese, because we hate some insufficiency of English or other Europian languages to talk about deep philosophy, as Hoden

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