






Statement by President von der Leyen

. An attack that is being organised by the Lukashenko regime. And this continues to stand by your side. This is very important for us. This

  • 2021年11月29日 20:00
  • 1195人が参加中



ECB Forum on Central Banking 2021: Part 1 - Introductory Speech by Christine Lagarde

recession, the euro area is going through a highly atypical recovery. This 1975. This outcome is largely attributable to the combined response of

  • 2021年11月29日 19:18
  • 1195人が参加中

Lyrics with You Tube★洋楽歌詞トピック

Lyrics with You Tube★洋楽歌詞のトピック

Texas Is The Reason

Texas Is The Reason - If It's here when we get back it's ours 1995

  • 2021年11月29日 13:29
  • 240人が参加中



President Duterte delivers his intervention in the ASEAN China Special Summit | Nov. 22, 2021

Conduct in the South China Sea. There is simply no other way out of this sustained cooperation. This includes support for the work of the ASEAN Centre

  • 2021年11月28日 11:50
  • 1195人が参加中



Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech at the CBI conference.

. And that is the mission of this country – to unite and level up , maybe this is doable. And when I was a kid literally zero percent of our

  • 2021年11月27日 21:44
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The Centenary Commemoration of The Connaught Rangers Mutiny in India

much for forwarding this to me. I am very conscious of the many public recognise public representatives, but particularly this is such an important

  • 2021年11月26日 10:30
  • 1195人が参加中



Security Dynamics in the Red and Mediterranean Seas

the Middle East is necessarily engaged. This fifth plenary session is for allowing me to have this first participation at the Manama Dialogue

  • 2021年11月25日 16:02
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IISS Manama Dialogue 2021: Changing Multilateralism and Regional Security

this part of the world, whenever it is a rainy day it is always a good world is going through so much around this region. Such discussions and

  • 2021年11月24日 07:50
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IISS Manama Dialogue 2021: Opening Address

, while this is my first visit to this outstanding kingdom which I have East, let me also offer a few words. It is no secret that many Indonesian

  • 2021年11月22日 19:18
  • 1195人が参加中



NYC Mayor de Blasio Hosts Media Availability

get resources directly as cities. That's very good news. So, this is a , $50 million more annually to help us build on Vision Zero. This is going

  • 2021年11月21日 10:59
  • 1195人が参加中



PM Modi's keynote address at The Sydney Dialogue

is also important for building a future of this world that reflects our Minister Scott Morrison, Friends, Namaskar! It is a great honour for

  • 2021年11月20日 01:42
  • 1195人が参加中

Standard Jazz Songトピック

Standard Jazz Songのトピック

ミシェル・ルグラン ソングブック

, 128, 155) "L' Âme soeur à l'hameçon" (Michel Legrand ) - (#105) "Papa Can You Hear Me?" (Michel Legrand/Marilyn Bergman and Alan

  • 2021年11月17日 15:59
  • 1854人が参加中
  • 159



Intervento del Presidente Draghi al “#COP26 World Leaders Summit”

all this money useable for a good cause. This is the, first in a sense Gentlemen, The speeches we have just heard resonate deeply with me. Over

  • 2021年11月17日 01:31
  • 1195人が参加中



Paris Peace Forum 2021 - Speech by President von der Leyen for Technology & the Digital Domain

market. This is one of the ideas mentioned, for example, by the Paris Call . This is the core of our Digital Services Act. We hope that it can be

  • 2021年11月16日 18:17
  • 1195人が参加中



NATO Secretary General with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine 🇺🇦 Dmytro Kuleba, 15 NOV 2021

present in this region, but this is not threat to Russia. This is entirely defend all Allies against any threat. And this is important to demonstrate

  • 2021年11月15日 23:04
  • 1195人が参加中



Kamala Harris Press Conference After Paris Peace Forum

beginning of a new era. In fact, this is something that President Macron and I ) And the discussion was essentially this, one, it is indisputable that

  • 2021年11月14日 13:19
  • 1195人が参加中



PM Lee Hsien Loong at the APEC CEO Summit 2021

force on 1 Jan next year. It is timely to extend this vision of expressed interest in DEPA. This is useful as a possible building block

  • 2021年11月13日 08:34
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Pelosi holds press conference at COP26 climate summit

justice, which we talked about this morning. Let me just tell you what is in Back Better Act. So that just shows me why this is so important. The US

  • 2021年11月12日 09:27
  • 1195人が参加中



11/8/21: Press Briefing by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre & Secretary Buttigieg

Karine Jean-Pierre: (01:29) Hi everybody. Wow. This is all for America can compete and win in the decades ahead. This is the largest

  • 2021年11月11日 19:17
  • 1195人が参加中



Obama speaks at COP26 climate talks

moving more boldly, the US is not alone. (11:07) Earlier this year, the . Because of you, countries around the world are recognizing this is a

  • 2021年11月10日 09:47
  • 1195人が参加中



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers remarks at COP26 – November 1, 2021

it’s rising to $170 per tonne in 2030. This is a meaningful price on Canadians in this historic meeting. In Canada, there was a town called

  • 2021年11月10日 09:36
  • 1195人が参加中



Priti Patel's Conservative Party Conference Speech 2021

country come first is what drives me each and every day. That is my ‘environmental’ protests this country has ever seen. Freedom to protest is a

  • 2021年11月09日 12:53
  • 1195人が参加中



COP26 President Alok Sharma's Opening Speech at the UN Climate Change Conference

very aware of the responsibility placed upon me in this role. And I do reach is closing. I have been humbled to speak over this year with

  • 2021年11月08日 14:32
  • 1195人が参加中



Countries agree to cut methane by at least 30 percent by 2030

, and that is the closer one, and this is much more urgent, and this is grateful that over 80 countries have signed up. This is fantastic, thanks to

  • 2021年11月03日 22:32
  • 1195人が参加中

ボーカルを楽しむ会 Jazz Vocalトピック

ボーカルを楽しむ会 Jazz Vocalのトピック

10月例会のプログラム 2

/ Dalphine / Chuck Redd .Alone Together / This is Carol / Carol / Till Me Your Troubles / Bob Merrill / Accurate -5071 .You'd Be So Nice

  • 2021年11月03日 14:28
  • 231人が参加中



Obama Stumps For Terry McAuliffe With Virginia's Election Two Weeks Away

live. It is good to see you on this beautiful day. I am so grateful to it on your desk. If you’re like me, your desk is cluttered. You end up

  • 2021年11月01日 14:18
  • 1195人が参加中



Public Forum 2021 - Trade Beyond COVID-19: Building Resilience

; many of you may be veterans, but this is my first one as Director-General evolving needs of the people we serve. That is what this week is all about

  • 2021年10月31日 09:36
  • 1195人が参加中



Press conference with President von der Leyen ahead of the G20 Summit and in the UN COP26

development of these two Summits and what our position is there. So let me start 70% of the global population fully vaccinated by mid-next year. This is

  • 2021年10月31日 03:58
  • 1195人が参加中



Twitter (symbol TWTR) reported Q3 2021 earnings on October 27, 2021.

finally, this call in its entirety is being webcast from our Investor create. So Spaces is an example of this, which we just rolled out to 100

  • 2021年10月31日 03:42
  • 1195人が参加中



Launch of the Belgian Biopharma Strategy - Speech by President von der Leyen

, Indeed, this year has shown why the pharma and biotech sector is such a Union fully vaccinated, but – and this is where we should really

  • 2021年10月29日 21:03
  • 1195人が参加中



Pentagon Holds Briefing As Likely Military Coup In Sudan Destabilizes Country

that are volunteering to feed them? How is this working? SEC. KIRBY: I . Q: Is this just like Cold War spying? Is this is how adversary spy now

  • 2021年10月27日 12:34
  • 1195人が参加中



Remarks by President Biden at the Annual U.S.-ASEAN Summit

, and it’s good to see you looking well and running this meeting year. And it is my hope that in the future we’ll be able to hold these

  • 2021年10月27日 12:23
  • 1195人が参加中



UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative party conference speech

; don’t give me that This is the government that stood up to China and this is the priority of the British people does anyone seriously imagine

  • 2021年10月25日 14:41
  • 1195人が参加中



'Black History Is American History': Biden Honors Martin Luther King

really mean it. Think about it. This is what got me involved in civil .” This is a once in a century pandemic that’s hit this country hard, and

  • 2021年10月24日 20:07
  • 1195人が参加中



Rice Critical Race Theory Targeted in Virginia Gov. Race

. Whoopi Goldberg: (00:35) It just sounds crazy to me. But the question is . They’re going to have to homeschool their kids, because this is not going to

  • 2021年10月23日 11:01
  • 1195人が参加中



Swearing-in of Dr. Rachel Levine to the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

much for entrusting me with this role. I would also like to thank my . This is momentous occasion, and I am honored to take this role for the

  • 2021年10月23日 10:54
  • 1195人が参加中



The Rule of law crisis in Poland and the primacy of EU law - President von der Leyen at the EPlenary

justification. This threatens judicial independence, which is a basic pillar of this is not only the Commission's opinion: This is what has been

  • 2021年10月21日 14:26
  • 1195人が参加中



Prince William calls for entrepreneurs to "repair this planet" not

history. And I think we’ve got time on our side. This is the right time to : (02:33) Absolutely. So the original genesis of this is to try to

  • 2021年10月20日 22:36
  • 1195人が参加中



Jill Biden Speech Transcript: White House Teachers of the Year

part of who we are. And what I want to say to you is this, never, ever from her and what I still have to this day is that simple brass school

  • 2021年10月20日 22:33
  • 1195人が参加中



Biden delivers remarks at the University of Connecticut

my measure is? People who tell me they care about people and then know this is truly a family commitment for the Dodds. So, thank you for

  • 2021年10月20日 22:26
  • 1195人が参加中



Antony Blinken Pays Tribute To The Legacy Of Gen. Colin Powell

Secretary Powell’s. I always will be, and he was very generous with me. This the US military is legendary. As a teenager at the City College of New

  • 2021年10月19日 19:30
  • 1195人が参加中



Colin Powell | High Point University Commencement 2014

gone through to get me to this evening. (08:10) The funny thing about compromise. This nation is here because our founding fathers, with all of their

  • 2021年10月19日 19:27
  • 1195人が参加中

Standard Jazz Songトピック

Standard Jazz Songのトピック


Me" (Matt Wigler/Veronica Swift/2009) - (#26) "This Bitter Earth what love is" 前腕

  • 2023年08月10日 09:11
  • 1854人が参加中
  • 58



President Biden Delivers Remarks on Efforts to Address Global Transportation Supply Chain Bottleneck

now, except us, until now. This is the first key step toward moving the port is open for business from earlier this year. That means an

  • 2021年10月18日 23:29
  • 1195人が参加中



William Shatner Speech After Blue Origin Space Flight

covering of blue is this sheet, this blanket, this comforter of blue that we it’s gone. Jesus. (01:10) It was so moving to me. This experience been

  • 2021年10月16日 17:55
  • 1195人が参加中



Paris Promised, Glasgow Must Deliver - COP26 President-Designate Speech

to unleash the full power of the Paris Agreement. But this is no year promised to developing nations. This is a totemic figure, a

  • 2021年10月15日 20:54
  • 1195人が参加中



Harris delivers remarks at the National Congress of American Indians convention

alarming rates. This is an epidemic and it must end. Today we also know, that Harris: (03:33) At this very minute, our administration is working with

  • 2021年10月13日 20:11
  • 1195人が参加中



Biden delivers remarks on restoring protections for national monuments

you how exciting it is to be in person on this day and this event. I coast to keep our climate livable and communities thriving. This is the

  • 2021年10月13日 20:00
  • 1195人が参加中



Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Dr. Narayan Khadka at the General Debate of the 76th Session of UN General Assembly

, vulnerabilities, and inadequacies in health system around the world. Nowhere is this , Distinguished delegates. I bring warm greetings to this distinguished audience

  • 2021年10月12日 11:07
  • 1195人が参加中



A Conversation with Ambassador Katherine Tai, U.S. Trade Representative

entire world and billions of workers. This bilateral relationship is is, this agreement did not meaningfully address the fundamental

  • 2021年10月11日 12:07
  • 1195人が参加中