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18940726 NO1595 イタリア政府の調停案に対する回答

18940726 NO1595 イタリア政府の調停案に対する回答
駐韓日本公使館記録 4巻   二. 露日関係 二   (35) [イタリア政府の調停案に対する回答 覚書]

文書題目 (35) [イタリア政府の調停案に対する回答 覚書]
発信日 Foreign Office, July 26. 1894. ( 1894年 07月 26日 )
発信者 T. Hayashi
受信者 Chevalier de Martino

(35) [イタリア政府の調停案に対する回答 覚書]
Foreign Office, July 26. 1894.
Dear Monsieur le Minister:
Mr. Mutsu being abed of illness, I am desired by him to transmit to Your Excellency his memorandum in reply to yours with reference to the Corean question handed him yesterday and I have the honor to enclose it herewith to you.
Believe me
Yours sincerely
(Signed)T. Hayashi
His Excellency
Chevalier de Martino
&c. &c. &c.

文書題目 Memorandum.

If the Imperial Government find it impossible to give a definite answer to the suggestions contained in the Memorandum which His Excellency the Minister of Italy
did the Minister for Foreign Affairs the honour of handing to him yesterday, it is not because they fail in appreciation of the friendly spirit that inspired those suggestions, neither is it because they do not desire to reach a just and reasonable accommodation regarding the Corean problem, but it is solely because the actual situation of affairs at this time seems to render a certain degree of reserve on their part, essential.

The categorical rejection by China of the overtures repeatedly advanced by Japan not only prevents Japan from formulating any new proposals, but makes it out of place for her at this juncture to say what, if any, modification of the scheme hitherto presented by her might, keeping the desired end always in view, prove acceptable.

In this situation the Imperial Government regard some knowledge of the actual views of China as an indispensable prerequisite to any final announcement of Japan's present attitude regarding the suggestions of His Excellency M. de Martino, and it seems to them that as they have been repeatedly pressed to make concessions, some measure of diplomatic urgency exercised by the friendly Powers at this time upon China, to define in a conciliatory spirit and with precision her position would tend to promote a satisfactory solution of the question.
Foreign Office July 26. 1894.

親愛なる公使 閣下
陸奧 大臣は臥病中で昨日伝達された朝鮮問題に関する閣下の覚書に対して回答を送るよう指示を受けました。ここに私は謹んで回答覚書を同封してお送りします。 敬具.
1894年 7月 26日
外務省  林董(はやしただす*外務次官)(署名)
マルチノ ド シュバリエ 閣下(*宛)

文書題目 覚書

1894年 7月 26일

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