Vocals :
- Hètre (J.N.) (and Guitar) (Triste, Throne Ablaze, Towering)
- A. Morbid (and Guitar)(Transitus Mortalis, Happy Days, Nostalgie, Subliminal Torture, Secretly in Pain, ..., Hanging Garden (USA), Final Thoughts, Withering Night)
- Razor (Pustota, Fluctus, Fall (Pol), Zmierzch (Session))
Guitar :
- Trist (also ambiance, vocals on "I Walk the Life in Depression") (Life is Pain, Hyperborean Desire, Funeral of My Soul)
- S. (Isa, Hypomanie, ..., Status Epilepticus, Kraakhoer, Zelfhaat)
- M.v.K (Nihilum (Prt) , W.O.U.N.D., Cold Floor to Embrace, S.U.N.D.S., Flagellum Dei (Prt), Revage (Session), Vermen)
- Lord Exetheris (also vocals) (Exetheris, Goat Phallus, Tower of Evil, Beithir, Acid Orchid, Voidmen, Annihilation Command, H.I.O.B., Freude)
- Zyklonus (Morkr, Hate Visions)
B.G. (also vocals) (Andramelech, Black Hate, Dead (Mex), E.O.R., Infernal Hate (Mex), Lupus Nocturnus, Nostalgie, Secretly in Pain)
- D. Vrangsinn (Hatepulse, World Destroyer, live bassist for Nattefrost, Secht, Neetzach, live for Krypt, Eirik Skrangle, A Waste of Talent, Sectumsempra (Session), Carpathian Forest)
Klat Ba - Ambience (Trist (Cze), Holomraz, Hécatombe Humaine
I Walk the Life in Depression Full-length, 2006
The Critical State of Loneliness Full-length, 2007
Traveling through Grey Walls of Existence Best of/Compilation, 2008
Dwellers in an Infertile World Split, 2008
Deep Cold Split, 2008
4: Void of a Morning Full-length, 2009
Train "Exeter" to D.P. State Split album, 2009
Cold Floors to Embrace, Wet Soils to Dig in Split album, 2009
Treasures from the Dead Seas Split album, 2009
Dead Witches and Living Ghosts Best of/Compilation, 2009
Blunt Razor Best of/Compilation, 2010