On July 10th, 2009, the organization Encompassed by All will hold a Centurion (also known as 'Century Club') drinking event the Christon Cafe in Shinjuku, Tokyo, from 8:30 p.m.
Sixty to hundred people will be participating, making it possibly the largest Centurion ever held in the world. We have applied for entry into the Guinness Book of World Records. The event will be sponsored by SPOILT Inc., whose models will be performing as referees/round girls.
The rules of Centurion are:
- participants must drink one shot of beer per minute for 100 minutes.
- all drinks must be drunk quickly, in “shot-like” fashion.
- players are disqualified if they leave their chair for any purposes (including medical emergencies/vomiting/bathroom breaks).
- players are disqualified for vomiting.
This will be the first introduction of Centurion in Japan, and it will be a massive event. Our clientele will be everyday Japanese 'salarymen' (of varying ages), OLs, and other miscellaneous people from all walks of life.
3200円(Includes Registration, Drinks, and Prizes)
URL: http://
Facebook: http://