We are“Black Urban Immigrants”!!
We play original rock'n roll being mixed such as garage,electro,shoegaze,punk,melodious pop,grunge,etc..
The member is Jullian(Vo&Keybord),K(Vo&Guitar),YTA(Vo&Bass),Domon(Vo&Drum),
have grown up in the same town and known each other for over 15 yeras.(俺たち四人は同じ街で育ち、15年以上も一緒にツルんできた仲だ。)
At the age of 23 years old, we made a radicurious decesion to be a fucking great rock band eventhough some of us had never played anymusic instrulments before.(俺達は23歳の時、最高にバカげた決断を下したんだ。世界一クールなロックバンドになってやろうって。まぁ俺たちの内数人は楽器を触ったことすらなかったんだけどけな。)
Only one thing we can say to everybody now is“Don't miss our activity!!”(今俺たちがみんな唯一言えることは一つだけ。