ALTアート文化交流会2010 COLO(U)RS
日 時: 2010年4月16日(金)〜18日(日)
会 場: 仙台市市民活動サポートセンター 市民活動シアター(地下1階)
(仙台市青葉区一番町4-1-3 )
入場無料: 前夜祭、ワークショップとも予約不要です。直接会場にお越しください。
■前夜祭: 4月16日(金)18:30〜21:00
■展示ギャラリー: 4月17日(土)10:00〜21:00, 4月18日(日)10:00〜16:00
11:00 ヨーロピアン・カリグラフィー/古代アイルランド文字を解読してみましょう。暗号を使ったしおり作成も。
12:00 コケシ・ドールズ/ 世界のこけしの歴史を学びませんか?実際に人形も作ります。
13:00 スコットランド・ミステリー/ネッシーやキルトスカート・・・食物をつまみながら、不思議に迫ります。
14:00 これって空手?/アメリカンスポーツとしてのカラテに挑戦してみませんか?
15:00 即興コメディー/抱腹絶倒!?スタンドアップ・コメディーに挑戦しましょう。
16:00 ブレイクダンス/N.Y.サウスブロンクス発のロックダンスとB-boy文化を教えます。
11:00 アメリカン・コーヒー・ワークショップ/コーヒー片手に、コーヒーの歴史を楽しく教えます。
12:00 オーストラリア先住民ロックアート/4万年前から伝わる、枝を使って樹皮などで岩に描く技法を教えます。
13:00 スウィング・ダンス /基本的な2ステップを覚えるだけで、ジャズにあわせて踊れちゃいます。
14:00 世界の打楽器/楽器未経験者でも大丈夫!ビートの刻み方を、楽しく教えます。
15:00 カリビアン・ダンス/ダイエットにも効果的?汗だくになって踊っちゃいましょう!
■E-mail: (日本語OKです)
■URL: http://
When: April 16th to April 18th, 2010
Where: Sendai-shi Shimin Katsudo Support Center (SAPOSEN)
(Address: 4-1-3, Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai city)
Price: Free!
The ALT Art Show is an exchange event organized by ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) to showcase their countries and cultures to the citizens of Sendai and Miyagi Prefecture. ALTs come from a wide range of countries and cultures, and are ready to share them with you!
This year marks the 8h ALT Art Show and with it the new theme of COLO(U)RS. The “u” is in parenthesis because the word is spelled “colors” in America, but “colours” in most other countries. This year's art show will celebrate the many colors of art, and the many colours of ourselves!
Come join us at the Opening Gala held on April 16th (Friday) and participate in the interactive workshops and view the art pieces made by the ALTs on April 17th (Saturday) and April 18th (Sunday). You are most welcome to come by yourself or bring your family and friends along to join in the fun! Make this year's art show the best yet with your own unique colors!
★Opening Gala
April 16(Friday) 18:30~21:00
The Opening Gala will be held on the first night to showcase ALT’s countries and cultures! There will be several performances by ALT artists, and previews of the artwork. ALTs that have provided art for the gallery will also be present, so this a great chance to meet new people, learn about different cultures, and help internationalize Sendai!
★Gallery Hours
April 17(Saturday) 10:00~21:00, April 18 (Sunday) 10:00~16:00
Photos, pictures, drawings etc by ALTs will be on show for the public to see!
11:00AM European Calligraphy/ Try your hand at variety of European calligraphy styles! Learn to decipher the ancient Irish Ogham alphabet and write a secret code. Use your new-found skills to create beautiful bookmarks for yourself and others!
12:00PM Kokeshi Dolls From Around the World/ Come be a part of this amazing workshop with kokeshi dolls from around the world. Learn about the real history of kokeshi dolls and make your own kokeshi doll that represents your country.
1:00PM The Mysteries of Scotland/ You will learn the answers to many age old questions about the mysterious, ancient land of the Scots. Come join and find out the answer to that age old question! Delicious traditional Scottish food included!!!
2:00PM Is That Karate?!?/ Take a brief glimpse into the world of international martial arts through the perspective of an expert in American Sport Karate. Come try out some moves and see how Karate has transformed in other parts of the world.
3:00PM Improv Comedy/ Discover how funny you can be without any effort! Improve comedy is a theatre style based on playing games, and the audience guides the performance with their suggestions. It's part acting, part stand-up comedy, all fun!
4:00PM I Know You Got Soul: Intro to Breakdance/ No doubt the popular street dance from the South Bronx streets of New York City has become well-known and practiced worldwide! Come learn a little about "Bboy" culture and the basics of "rocking" the dance floor!
11:00AM American Coffee Making/ This workshop starts off describing the history of coffee and moves into the brains behind the modern day Starbucks menu. We will also prepare a little coffee for you all!
12:00PM Indigenous Australian Rock Art/ Participants to this workshop will not only have the chance to understand more about Indigenous Australian art, but will also have an opportunity to create their own piece of rock art using handmade paints.
1:00PM Swing Dancing for Beginners/ We'll cover a basic charleston step and a basic lindy hop swingout, two simple steps that are an ideal foundation for all those fancier, flashier moves. If you can come with a partner, great! If not, that's okay too!
2:00PM 30 Minute Beats/ Come hammer your heart out in a drum circle on all sorts of weird and wonderful instruments from all over the world. Don't worry if you can't drum- We'll teach you!
3:00PM Caribbean Danzaerobics/ Do you wanna burn a few calories while looking hype? Then come to my Caribbean danzaerobics. Expect nuff vibes.
■ Contact: The Miyagi ALT Art & Culture Show
■ email: (English & Japanese ok!)
■ http://
On behalf of the ALTs who have helped with this years ALT Art Show,
we look forward to seeing you!