ローカルセレブリティーは、メイジュールック、ピンクスパイクとならび、おしゃれセレブが注目するカジュアルブランド ! $
2003年、4人のデザイナーの手によって立ち上げられたローカルセレブリティーはLAで有名なセレクトショップ・キットソンをはじめ、高級デパートなどで取り扱われているハリウッドセレブ御用達ブランド ! $
Mother Earthを守ろうという趣旨で、売上金の一部がチャリティーに寄付されます!
In 2003 Local Celebrity was born when a group of friends at a music festival in rural Illinois decided to ditch their jobs and create a Local Celebrity T-shirt brand. They headed to the west to create Local Celebrity and shacked up at one of their grandmother’s ranches in San Diego
After maxing out their Local Celebrity credit cards to buy a screen print machine to print Local Celebrity T-shirts, they began to party and get the Local Celebrity t-shirts out there worldwide. It was not long before grandma’s stables at the ranch were bursting with Local Celebrity clobber. With grandma getting annoyed off they went to LA and set up a warehouse downtime in a place called skid row which is where they've been laying their mac down ever since.
All Local Celebrity products are developed (fabric and fit) by the Local Celebrity guys themselves. Product is fresh in style and popular with famous celebs world over.
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