I Walk Out Alone Upon My Way (Lermontov)
Romance "I Come Out To the Path, Alone..."
text Mikhail Lermontov
composer - Elizveta Shashina
Mikhail Lermontov is a famous Russian poet. He was born in 1814 in Moscow. Lermontov was fatally wounded in a duel with Martynov and died in 1841. He was 26 years old. Lermontov was working fruitfuly during his short life, and many splendid poems and novels were written.
Reading any line which has been come under Lermontov's feather - as if you listen to the music. Lermontov's lyric is an art reflection of a spiritual life of intelligency of his time.
The poem "I Come Out To the Path, Alone..." (1841) he wrote not far before his death. The poem draws with emotion an infinite beauty of the Universe, it is filled with a feeling of hopeless grief and loneliness. At the same time it can be heared there a dream of magnificent blossoming of life. This poem belongs to the most wonderful Lermontov's works, it is a brilliant even between Lermontov's compositions. This text inspired many composers to make songs.
The music of composer Elizaveta Shashina gained the most wide popularity. Her romance "Vyhoju odin ya na dorogu" ("I Come Out To the Path, Alone...") was published in 1861. Soon it became a national song. The song is characterized with a sad melody and beauty of feeling.
The force of influence of this music is great, as it makes listeners to feel with singeer, to worry and to be sad. This song is also popular in today Russia.
The Russian text by Mikhail Lermontov 1841:
Vyhozhu odin ya na dorogu;
Skvoz' tuman kremnistiy put` blestit;
Noch' tiha. Pustynya vnemlet Bogu,
I zvezda s zvezdoyu govorit.
V nebesah torjestvenno i chudno!
Spit semlya v siyan'e golubom...
Chto je mne tak bol'no i tak trudno?
Zhdu l' chego? Zhaleyu li o chyom?
Uj ne zhdu ot zhisni nichego ya,
I ne zhal' mne proshlogo nichut';
Ya ishu svobody i pokoya!
Ya b hotel sabyt'sya i sasnut'!
No ne tem holodnym snom mogily...
Ya b zhelal naveki tak sasnut',
Chtob v grudi dremali zhisni sily,
Chtob dysha vsdymalas' tiho grud';
Chtob vsyu noch', ves' den' moy sluh leleya,
Pro lyubov' mne sladkiy golos pel,
NAdo mnoy chtob vechno seleneya
Tyomniy dub sklonyalsya i shumel.
"I Come Out To the Path..."
I come out to the path, alone,
Night and wildness are referred to God,
Through the mist, the road gleams with stone,
Stars are speaking in the shinning lot.
There is grave and wonderful in heaven;
Earth is sleeping in a pale-blue light...
Why is then my heart such pined and heavy?
Is it waiting or regretting plight?
I expect that nothing more goes,
And for past I do not have regret,
I wish only freedom and repose,
I would fall asleep and all forget...
I would like to fall asleep forever,
But without cold sleep of death:
Let my breast be full of dozing fervor
For the life, and heave in gentle breath;
So that enchanting voice would ready
Day and night to sing to me of love,
And the oak, evergreen and shady,
Would decline to me and rustle above.
Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, 1995
Photo: Mikhail Lermontov in 1837
叙情詩:「思い Дума,1838」「詩人 Поэт,1838」「予言者 Пророк,1841」「ふるさと Родина,1841」
叙事詩:「商人カラシニコフのうたПесня про купца Калашникова,1837」「悪魔 Демон,1829-41」「ムツイリ Мцыри,1840」
戯 曲:「仮面舞踏会 Маскарад,1835-36」
小 説:「現代の英雄Герой нашего времени,1840」