♬♪♫ ♬♪♫ Happy Summer Everyone!!!♬♪♫ ♬♪♫
☺ Let me give you all a warm welcome to ☆国際Friends☆! For anyone, anywhere, come and join us! Are you studying English or Japanese? Trying to keep up English or Japanese that you've learnt? Needing help with translation for something? Interested in foreign countries and travelling? Wanting to make foreign friends? Are you a native English speaker living in Japan or elsewhere? Then, you've come to the right community!! (^0^)/~どなたでも、どちらの国からでも遠慮無く参加してください!
☺ Don't forget to bookmark us and invite all your friends as well! (^0^)/~
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☺ Feel free to start new topics, questionaires, etc... in English OR Japanese. No need to worry about your English or Japanese skills. May it be a question about grammar, about vocabulary, slang, culture, or even just your thoughts about something, don't hesitate!! Sit back and let's try to have some fun!! 〜(b^▽^)b〜
☺ IF you are new here, please introduce yourself here if you have a spare minute. We'd like to learn a little about you. 初めての方はこちらで簡単な自己紹介をお願いします。m(_ _)m
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OR for something more simple, try:
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◆OR for the more ADVANCED, feel free to start your very own introduction in a brand new topic. (^_-)
Some common English expressions:
◆ http://
To learn some Japlish (ジャパニーズイングリッシュ):
◆ http://
What's the difference between ___ and ___ ?
◆ http://
Some interesting questionaires:
◆ http://
◆ http://
☺ For those of you in an international relationship, feel free to also join us here at ☆International Families☆!!! (^0^)/
◆ http://
Find us at 〜外国 Foreign 外国人 Foreignors 英語 English 世界 World 海外 International インターナショナル 国外 外人 異文化 外国語 留学 語学 国際恋愛 英会話 ECC AEON BERLITZ GEOS NOVA NICHIBEI Native English Speakers 日本 日本人 在日 帰国 友達作り Friendship friend ホームステイ Homestay ペンフレンド Facebook Penpal カナダ Canada オーストラリア Australia イギリス England アメリカ USA America ニュージーランド New Zealand Language Exchange Abroad Student TOIEC 990 TOEFL 600 IELTS EIKEN STEP TEST Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7A Level 7B Level 7C