1959年に Miles Davis のバンドに参加しアルバム Kind of Blue を録音しています。 この時マイルス・デイヴィスに継続してバンドに残るように誘われたのですが、ツアー生活になるのを嫌がって断ったという話が伝わっています。
マイルス・デイヴィスのバンドを辞退してから Scott LaFaro (b), Paul Motian (ds) とトリオを編成し、2枚のアルバムを残しています。 伝説的な、革新的なピアノトリオとして歴史に残る演奏を繰り広げたのですが、このトリオは1961年のスコット・ラファロの事故死により終わりを告げます。
1963年、ベーシストの Chuck Israels を迎えて新トリオを結成します。 1966年、ベーシストの Eddie Gómez に出会い、その後11年間にわたって共演しています。
Bud Shank / Plays The Music Of Bill Evans / 1997 Chick Corea/Bill Evans - A tribute by Chick Corea, George Shearing, Herbie Hancock, Jimmy Rowles, Teddy Wilson, Denny Zeitlin/1982 Chick Corea/Further Explorations by Chick Corea/2012 Danish Radio Jazz Orchestra/Play Bill Evans by the Danish Radio Jazz Orchestra & Jim McNeely/2002 Dominic Alldis/Turn Out The Stars – The Songs Of Bill Evans by Dominic Alldis/1996 Don Sebesky Peace Piece / I Remember Bill: Tribute to Bill Evans/1998 Enrico Pieranunzi/Evans Remembered by Enrico Pieranunzi/2001 Gordon Beck/Seven Steps to Evans by Gordon Beck, Tony Oxley, Kenny Wheeler, Stan Sulzmann, Ron Mathewson Howard Alden/Your Story: The Music of Bill Evans by Howard Alden/1994 Jean-Yves Thibaudet/Conversations with Bill Evans by Jean-Yves Thibaudet/1997 Jimmy Rowles/Bill Evans: A Tribute by Jimmy Rowles, McCoy Tyner, Herbie Hancock, John Lewis, Dave McKenna, et al. (Palo Alto Records)/1991 Jessica Williams / Joyful Sorrow: A Solo Tribute to Bill Evans Joan Diaz Trio · Silvia Perez / We Sing Bill Evans John McLauphlin / Time Remembered / 1993 Kerem Görsev/To Bill Evans by Kerem Görsev/2013 Kronos Quartet / Music Of Bill Evans/1986 Larry Coryell/Dedicated to Bill Evans and Scott LaFaro by Larry Coryell and Miroslav Vitouš/1987 Larry Schneider/Bill Evans...Person We Knew by Larry Schneider and Andy LaVerne (SteepleChase)/1992 Luigi Tessarollo/Homage To Bill Evans And Jim Hall by Luigi Tessarollo with Stefano Bollani/2002 Mitchel Forman/Now & Then: A Tribute to Bill Evans by Mitchel Forman/1994 Monika Lang/A tribute to Bill Evans by Monika Lang/2015 Niño Josele/Paz – Niño Josele and the music of Bill Evans by Niño Josele/2006 Paul Motian/Bill Evans by Paul Motian/1990 Paul Motian/Bill Evans: Tribute to the Great Post-Bop Pianist by Paul Motian/2003 Richie Beirach/Elegy For Bill Evans by Richie Beirach/1981 Stefano Battaglia/Bill Evans Compositions Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 by Stefano Battaglia/2009
#109 - Fred Hersch – Evanessence: A Tribute To Bill Evans / Evidence Music / 1990 #102 - Michel Petrucciani – Oracle's Destiny - Big Sur California / Owl Records / 1982 #87 - Karen Gallinger – Remembering Bill Evans A Vocal Tribute / Sea Breeze Records / 2000 #70 - Tierney Sutton – Blue In Green / TELARC / 2000 #47 - Eliane Elias – Something For You (Eliane Elias Sings & Plays Bill Evans) / Blue Note Records / 2007 #26 - Sylvia Syms – ,,,Then Along Came Bill-A Tribute To Bill Evans / DRG Records / 1989 #15 - The Drummonds Featuring Renee Rosnes, Billy Drummond, Ray Drummond – Letter To Evans / Key'stone Music / 2000 #1- Roseanna Vitro / Thoughts Of Bill Evans - Conviction / A-Records / 2000
この曲の最初の録音は The Art Farmer Quartet Featuring Jim Hall – Interaction (1963) になります。
ビル・エヴァンスは You Must Believe In Spring (1981) に初収録しています。
Life began when you came
Sometime ago
Here was love in the game
Sometime ago
So unconventional
You and me
And so essentially
Young and free.
We were both very smart
Until the end
Little boy with no heart
I would pretend
Now I'm discovering
As I'm recovering
Love wasn't really just a game
But we're the only ones
To blame.
"Waltz for Debby"
作曲: Bill Evans
作詞: Gene Lees
作曲年 1956
曲情報については >>[10] をご覧ください。
作曲: Bill Evans
作詞: Tierney Sutton
作曲年 1980
ビル・エヴァンスは The Bill Evans Trio – Turn Out The Stars (1996) に録音を残しています。
"Tiffany" の歌詞は探し出せませんでしたが、"Waltz for Debby" と同種の歌詞になっています。
Karen Gallinger – Remembering Bill Evans A Vocal Tribute
Label: Sea Breeze Records
Recorded in 2000
1. Turn Out The Stars (Lyrics By – Gene Lees)
2. In April (For Nenette) (Lyrics By – Roger Schore)
3. Catch The Wind (Lyrics By – Karen Gallinger)
4. Waltz For Debbie (Lyrics By – Gene Lees)
5. Five (Lyrics By – Janice Borla)
6. My Bells (Lyrics By – Gene Lees)
7. Funkallero (Lyrics By – Karen Gallinger)
8. We Will Meet Again (Lyrics By – Karen Gallinger)
9. Only Child (Lyrics By – Roger Schore)
10. Remembering The Rain (Lyrics By – Bill Evans)
11. Dawn Preludes (Time Remembered) (Lyrics By – Karen Gallinger)
12. Interplay (Lyrics By – Judy Niemack)
13. I Remember Bill (Lyrics By – Don Sebesky)
Karen Gallinger (vo)
Tom Zink (p)
Larry Steen (b)
Chris Wabich (ds)
Missy Hasin (Cello, tracks: 11)
Gannin Arnold (g) (tracks: 1, 11),
Larry Koonse (g) (tracks: 4, 5, 10, 12)
CATCH THE WIND: A first, Bill never recorded this dong. I will let Nenette tell the story that inspired the lyrics:
When Bill died in 1980 the children and I went down to the Manhattan mortuary to view the body. When we were leaving, Evan asked to remain alone in the room for a while longer. Eventually I went back to the room to retrieve him.
Surprising me greatly, Evan announced with great certainty "Daddy could breath again, if he could catch the wind." Karen's touching lyrics have captured the pathos of a five year old child's loss and breathed life where none existed."
I knew it the moment that we met,
Our melodies together would create a fine duet.
You called me and suggested that we meet.
Your invitation made me feel like dancin’ right down the street
We walked and talked and right away,
Something magical started to happen,
A beautiful Interplay.
It’s nat’ral that opposites attract
And when you feel attracted it’s so easy to react.
In silence is potential for a sound,
and when there’s motion, underneath a deep stillness can be found.
We find our balance everyday,
Like the light and the shadow our love is
A beautiful Interplay.
With some folks it’s hard to get a break,
They talk and talk without a pause ‘til my head starts to ache.
But with you it was different, it’s a fact.
You spoke and then you listened, there was time, we could interact.
Now we grow closer everyday,
Spending time with each other, creating a beautiful Interplay...
しかし Mike Pee:マイクのおしっこ、というのはひどいですね。
まだ Mike Pea の方がマシかもしれません。
"Someday my Prince will come" の一節が出てきます。
Fred Hersch – Evanessence: A Tribute To Bill Evans
Label: Evidence Music
Recorded in August 16, 17 1990
1. My Bells (Bill Evans)
2. Turn Out The Stars (Bill Evans)
3. You Must Believe In Spring (Alan & Marilyn Bergman, Michel Legrand)
4. Evanessence (Fred Hersch)
5. Nardis / Lonely Woman
5.1 Nardis (Miles Davis)
5.2 Lonely Woman (Ornette Coleman)
6. We Will Meet Again (Bill Evans)
7. Peri's Scope (Bill Evans)
8. Time Remembered (Bill Evans)
9. I Wish I Knew (Harry Warren, Mack Gordon)
10. Remembering The Rain (Bill Evans)
11. Alice In Wonderland (Bob Hilliard, Sammy Fain)
Fred Hersch (p)
Marc Johnson (b, 1,2,4,8)
Michael Formanek (b, 3,5,6,9-11)
Jeff Hirshfield (ds)
Toots Thielemans (harmonics, 3,6,10)
Gary Burton (vib, 1,4,7)
1993年、ハーシュはゲイであること、1984年からHIVの治療を受けていることをカミングアウトした。彼は2008年に2ヶ月間昏睡状態に陥った。意識を取り戻したとき、彼は長い間の運動不足の結果、筋機能を失っており、ピアノを弾くことができなかった。リハビリの結果、再び弾けるようになった。2011年、夢と現実の対比をテーマにしたハーシェル・ガーフェイン作・演出の舞台『My Coma Dreams』を上演。
ビル・エヴァンスは Bill Evans – You Must Believe In Spring (1981) に(録音は1977)録音を残しています。