

心のヨガ in Englishコミュの11/23 ヨガin English のまとめ

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Today we talked about how to take more control in the dream yoga or the astral world (4th dimension).

All dreams hold information vital for our awakening. The more we analyze and look deeply into it, the more messages we receive and the more we become awakened. So it is almost like a feedback loop.

In our dreams we need to meet our master or the guide who is actually part of our own being. However, the ego may take shape of the master and 'trick' us. To distnguish whether its the ego or our master - it helps to chant a mantra such as "OM" in our dreams.

On a separate note, we talked about how to overcome days when we are tired and ill. In such a case, we can ask Kundalini(Mother Divine in this case) to increase our energy (power). Energy feeds our consciousness and revives organs. However, if we release sexual liquids by way of ejaculation, then we lose energy and become more drained.

It is said the sexual organs absorb outer forces at the time of ejaculation. The forces can be either positive or negative depending on the situation. Unless you have a long-term partner, it's mostly negative forces being absorbed into the body.


Correction. Only bad energy enters the body when ejaculation happens.



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