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SUBMISSIONS for the 2009 FREE Workshop in Angkor/SIEM REAP

…the spirit of sharing

The Free Angkor Photo Workshops 2009 edition is calling for candidates.

The free workshop is open to Asian photographers aged not over 28 (born after October 1980). Potential participants must be working either as freelance or staff photographer, or be studying in courses including photography.

The photographers must submit their application along the guidelines provides (see below); the workshop is conducted in the English language, and students must bring a DSLR camera and a laptop. They must have sufficient knowledge of an editing program (such as i-View media pro, Bridge or Aperture) and a basic understanding of Photoshop.

We will select a group of about 24 participants and provide at least 4 tutors chosen among internationally recognized photographers. The participants will be provided with accommodation and a substantial per diem for the duration of the workshop. Travel expenses to and from Siem Reap will not be paid. We advise potential participants to look for their own sponsors for that part.

During the workshop lasting one week, the photographers are allowed to work on a story of their choice, but will need to submit it to the organizing team research which reserves the right to refuse a subject, and will need to research it before getting to the workshop.

Workshop dates

We’ll do the workshop on the week from Sunday November 22 to Saturday November 28, 2009. Everyone should be in Siem Reap for the Saturday 21 November Opening Party…All will be required to attends the Show and

end-party on Saturday 28 nightly.

A brief history

The Angkor Photo Workshop is a unique opportunity as it empowers a significant number of young Asian photographers to perfect their art, and gives them a chance of first hand training with experienced photojournalists.

Over the last the years, we have offered the workshop to over 70 young photographers coming from China, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Nepal… They were students, photojournalists or artists; some of them got a tremendous boost to their capabilities in the workshop, and now command more work for a larger variety of media and organizations across Asia and the world… Some have since exhibited in Europe, have been invited to photo festivals and the Master Class of the World Press Photo Organization.

Who will be involved in 2009

The persons primarily involved to organize the 2009 workshop are:

Roland Neveu (based in Bangkok) as the coordinator

Patrick de Noirmont (Paris & Bangkok)

Olivier Nilsson (Bangkok)

And as tutors we will have:

Antoine d’Agata (Magnum Paris)

Patrick de Noirmont (AP Paris & OnAsia Bangkok)

Olivier Nilsson (Picture editor OnAsia Bangkok)

and as the list is not yet finalized… we may have assistance from Philip Blenkinsop, Nic Dunlop, Tim Page, John McDermott and many more.

This is basically the same base group who was in charge of the 2008 edition. Last year we had 10 professional photographers to take care of 30 students, divided in 4 groups. The range of photography approached was studio work, documentary news and features, and introspective documentary photography.

Volunteer teachers came from Bangkok, Honk Kong, Seoul, Paris and New York…


The Free Photo workshop for young Asian photographers is open for Photographers who were born and are residing in any Asian country along a geography going from Pakistan to Korea (Southern countries like Australia & New Zealand are off our map).

Applicants will be required to reach Siem Reap on their own, knowing that if they plan well in advance it can be a lot cheaper. They will have to bring a digital DSLR and a laptop. This year we will also have to develop a story on tuberculosis that will be proposed to a few participants.

Applicants must send a complete CV (in English) with an ID picture (JPEG 400x400 pixels maximum) and a letter of motivation (use the program Word (or Pages) ONLY and DO NOT FORGET the extension (.doc) or (.pages) for the Mac people.

Send to : angkorworkshop@gmail.com

A set of pictures (between 12 and 20) must accompany the application. It must be JPEG images size maximum 1600 pixels for the longest side saved in medium to high quality. The pictures must be named with the first/family name of the participant + a number… 01 to 20 ( for example John_Doe_01, John_Doe_02, etc…); the pictures must be put in a folder with the same name (John_Doe_pictures) which can be zipped and sent as attachment. A short note with captions (what, where, when) must accompany the images.

Give a lot of attention to this application as you may know that we receive many and anything which is not properly named or set could be lost or unusable by us. Remember, we are involved in the workshop as volunteers and we also have our own work to do… so spare us questions about travel, visa, weather, etc… as all the answers can be found on the internet. Do not send your application several times, and do not send it piece by piece. ALWAYS sign your full name on the email you send.

We will send more information about the workshop as it becomes available. We will acknowledge as soon as we receive your application, but only if it’s being sent as we have requested.

One more thing : use your usual (or common) name in your application, and specify your family name (or nickname if it’s usual).

Sorry for those who have friends that have done the workshop, no Flikr this year. We will announce in August who has been selected for the workshop. This will give enough time to organize your travel and work leave if needed. As we did in the past we will provide a letter of reference for those selected in order to help them get a visa for Cambodia.

Send your email to : angkorworkshop@gmail.com

Deadline for applications : August 2009




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