

開催終了6/23(金)All U Can Drink 【焼き鳥&飲み放題】Aitai Party


2017年06月22日 21:45 更新

Are you looking to increase your circle of Japan Local & international friends?
Meet & Make Real friends?
And to enjoy your time!

It is an opportunity to find new friends click & connect with you while having fun playing Free games (billiards, darts, jenga etc!). with all Free drinks and Free Yakitori-Chicken & Snacks to increase your satisfaction over 120%

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【 Party Date】
◆ Friday, 23 June 2017
◆ 20:00 ~ 23:00 (You Can Stay After Party to enjoy longer)

【Joining Fee】
◆ Ladies: 2,000¥
◆ Gentlemen: 2,500¥

※ Above fee includes entry fee & All You Can Drink Fee & Chicken Yakitori & Snacks.
※ No extra fees. that's all what you pay with all the fun.

★★★★★ Attention ★★★★★
Please say that you came from “mixi” at the reception.

◆ ShellRoom Lounge Bar
◆ Minato-ku Roppongi 3-14-8 Shimojo Bldg 4F

◆ 4 min walk from Roppongi Station Exit #3 or #5 on Oedo and Hibiya Lines. few blocks after DonkiHote Store.

【Dress Code】
◆ Dress Nicely to impress - Not too casual, Dress to impress. interpret this as you wish!

Note;This is a multi meetup event, more people will join us out of this group to expand our personal connections and happy time.

At the Aitai party there are chances to meet various people living based in Tokyo.

It is an opportunity to find new friends click & connect with you while having fun playing free games (billiards, darts, jenga etc!). & Free Yakitori-Chicken and Snacks.

We hold this party in the International area of Roppongi that attracts the friendly crowd.

★ The benefits of this party ★
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☆ It is easy to talk and you can make friends immediately due to the party friendly atmosphere and Cool people.
☆ Chance to use your Japanese/English skills while chatting and having fun.
☆ Chicken-Yakitori / snacks provided for free.
☆ The venue is spacious and very stylish.
☆ The entire area reserved only for our members (no smoking). (There is a smoking space outside.)
☆ Very reasonable price; male 2500 yen, women 2000 yen, includes AlluCanDrink and Free Chicken and Snacks. Plus all Games are Free! (Impossible to find such a great event deal in Tokyo)

Schedule of the day
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▼ Please come to the Bar directly at your convenient time after 20:00~.

▼ We will start by a quick introduction and make it easy for all to click & connect.

▼ Enjoy chatting time and games while eating Yakitori-Chicken & Drinking.

▼If someone you care about or someone you do not have the chance to talk, please tell the staff. We are there to support and help you make your friends.

▼ No worris even if you can't speak Japanese or English. Feel free to come alone or with friends. Business, Expats, Tourists and students are also welcome to join us.

Participation in the middle, exiting halfway, staying after party all OK !!


☆AlluCanDrink Free
☆All You Can Have Fun
☆All You Can Talk English/Japanese
☆All You Can Make Friends & People connections
☆ Chicken Yakitori eat together & Snacks Free
☆ Games to play, Billiard and Darts, etc Free
☆ Stylish venue and great music in Roppongi

What Else Do You Like to Do?

After Party Happy time and more~ We will increase the music volume around 11:00 pm to have some dance before the last train!

~ All Cool Friends are waiting for you, come and join our growing happy family ~

Aitai has reserved the entire ShellRoom Lounge with great deal to Drink as much as you can for 3 hrs special low price. Meet and Fun talk with cool Japanese and Multinational friends, And you can stay after the party to enjoy 100% of Friday Roppongi night.

Roppongi is a district located in the Minato Ward of the Tokyo metropolis. Roppongi is known for its nightlife (bars, restaurants, and dance clubs). It's also become a shopping destination for travelers and locals alike and attracts a lot of foreign crowd mixed with locals.

ShellRoom Lounge is Stylish and conveniently located within walking distance to the heart of Tokyo Roppongi. Its very Stylish lounge and the atmosphere will be really friendly so easy to speak to fellow members while enjoying the music and the all of the drinks with new friends. Also you can play Billiard and Darts with new friends.

Lets spend 3 hrs of Meeting, Mingling, Fun, Chat, Culture, language exchange, make Friends, partner and business connections. Also you can stay after party for extended fun.

This event is standing/sitting/moving Free Style, so you can easily move and talk with a lots of ppl.

You can join us ANYTIME! But we advice you to come early to enjoy the full course of fun and making more friends.

☆No worries even if you can't speak Japanese or English☆ Feel free to come alone or with friends☆ Business, Expats, Tourists and students are also welcome to join us☆



Aitai パーティーでは東京をベースに生活する様々な人達と出会うチャンスがあります!


と思うなら、まずは大人気のパーティー「 Aitai 」 に来てみよう☆

楽しくゲーム(ビリヤード、ダーツ,Jenga 等々)に参加しながら新しい友達を見つけるチャンスです♪

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☆ フレンドリーな雰囲気のイベント
☆ 初対面でも会話しやすく、すぐに友達ができる♪
☆ チャットタイムがあるので、英語を学べるチャンス!
☆ 焼き鳥・スナックを無料で提供!
☆ とてもオシャレな雰囲気の広々とした会場!
☆ 六本木でリーズナブルなお値段!

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▼ 20:00〜: 好きな時間にお店へ直接いらしてください。

▼ 簡単な自己紹介から始め、すべての人が簡単に繋がるようパーティーを進めていきます。

▼ 焼き鳥を食べながら、チャットタイムとゲームをお楽しみください。

▼ 気になる人や、話すチャンスがなかった人がいればスタッフに声をかけてください。



「 Aitai 」とは
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\ \ こんな方におすすめ / /



そして意気投合した人達で次のバーやクラブへ行ったり「 Aitai 」では素敵な出会いや仲間作りをしている人達で溢れています♪

「ShellRoom Lounge」はオシャレで雰囲気がとてもフレンドリー。

当日は「 Aitai 」の為、会場は貸切となっております。






◆ 6月23日 (金曜日)  20:00〜23:00

◆ 女性:2,000円
◆ 男性:2,500円
※ 入場料とドリンク飲み放題&焼き鳥は、会費に含まれています。

★★★★★ お願い ★★★★★
毎回たくさんの人にご参加いただいており受付の混雑が予想されますので、よりスムーズな入場の為、受付で「“mixi” からです。」と一言お願いします。

◆ ShellRoom Lounge Bar
◆ 東京都港区 六本木3-14-8 下条ビル 4F

◆ 六本木交差点より4分(六本木駅3番出口、5番出口)


◆ カジュアル過ぎず、素敵にしてね♪


※参加者の方に心地いい空間と時間を提供したいため、各種勧誘、、販売目的・ネットワークビジネス・宗教・強引ナンパやセクシャルハラスメントの方の参加はお断りしています。発見された場合や、その様に思われる場合はスタッフまで声をかけて下さい。 不適切と判断した場合は退場とさせて頂きます。

Network Business · Religion · Solicitation Purpose • Sales • Participation by persistent Nanpa or those who are sexual harassment is prohibited. Please notify the staff if found to take the proper action. Please manage your wallet management, physical condition management, all safety control for yourself.
Thank you for your understanding and corporation.



♡・♡・♡・♡・♡・ ♡・♡・♡・♡・♡・ ♡・♡・♡・♡・♡・ ♡・♡

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[AitaiParty の大人気インターナショナル-コミュニティーの仲間になってね]

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https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40rik5545w @ rik5545w
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  • 2017年06月23日 (金)
  • 東京都 六本木
  • 2017年06月23日 (金) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!