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詳細 2017年11月18日 08:50更新

長野の白馬に遊びに来ませんか? ハイキング ツーリング フィッシング など 一泊一名様から長期滞在者 年齢 男女 国籍 問わず 大歓迎いたします!豪華な宿ではありません、食事も付きませんが(自炊可) 宿代を少しでも安くしたい方 いつも車泊している方 宿は寝れれば十分なんて方 その他 わがままかなえます ひやかし歓迎、!!気軽に泊まりに来ませんか?  一泊一名様  ¥2000 
月額料金 一名様 ¥36000 水道 光熱費込み  お部屋はすべてドミトリー(相部屋)です。男女は別々のお部屋になります。寝具 台所用品 冷蔵庫 電子レンジ バーべキュウサイト バイク用ガレージ (屋根付き)
無料駐車場 シャワー 洗濯機 ¥100 キッチン 共同スペース テレビPlaystation2  DVD チューニング台 無料貸し出し自転車 バーベキューサイト  完備 フリーチェックアウト(清掃のためラウンジに移動してもらう場合がございます)
また無料送迎もしております 電車やバスでご来店される方 白馬駅 バス停まで迎えにまいります。気軽に電話下さい ホームページも見てみてくださいね 詳しい内容が見られます。検索 infoseek 検索 teahuka
世界中の友達とわいわいやりましょう 飲み会!?
住所 長野県北安曇郡白馬村みそら野2451−9 テアフカ バックパッカーズ
We, at Tea Huka Backpackers Hostel, would like to welcome you to enjoy Hakuba with us. Our hostel, which is in Misorano City, is conveniently located near Hakuba Station near the famous Happo and Hakuba 47 ski slopes (both only 1.5 km away). Happo ski slope is the most famous ski field in Japan, since the 1998 Winter Olympic Games were held there. Why don’t you challenge the same slopes as the Olympics athletes! Misorano city is a quite, relaxed, little town surrounded by a beautiful mountain forest with a fantastic view of Japan’s Northern Alps. It is a great place to get away from the bustling, big city. Why don’t you take a break and enjoy some mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, and fishing with us in Hakuba?
Our hostel is family-owned and provides a fun and relaxing environment to enjoy the surrounding area. For your convenience, we provide free parking and free bike rental along with free pickup from the bus stop super market or train station. Also, available is the use of the washing machine, shower, and heater for your daily needs and the lounge with Playstation2, TV, DVD, and movies for your entertainment needs. And when you want to relax you can enjoy a nice cup of coffee free of charge. There is no curfew so you can come and go as you please and our staff is available at any time if you need assistance or just want to chat.
We are looking forward to meeting you soon. You can find out more information by going to our website. Please feel free to contact us as our staff can speak English!  Enjoy with us in the ultimate winter sports resort Hakuba.!!!
Reservation essential accepted by Mail e-mail phone and cell phone.
Daily price \2000
Monthly price \36000.
(The charge includes tax and utilities and should be paid in Japanese Yen. Open during the winter season only, December to May).
Office hour 24 hours Access hours 24 hours Beds 11 Japanese room 1 .
Homepage: http://teahuka.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ Check it out
imode: http://teahuka.hp.infoseek.co.jp/i/ cell phone web site
Contact us: teahuka@infoseek.jp
Address 2451−9 Hakuba misorano naganoken japan.

Tea Huka Backpackers Hostel Accommodation for Travelers



参加メンバー 15人




