

Tattooed Canadian Pop artist's

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詳細 2008年10月18日 18:01更新


"A spiritual Andy Warhol. Utilizing the purest idealism of the Sixties as his base matter, ManWoman alchemically transmutes eternal ideas such as Love and Death into technically dazzling post-Pop Art paradigms."

ManWoman: tattooed Canadian Pop artist's transformational art visions. This biographical artsite educates about the sexual/spiritual experience, death, rebirth and ecstasy and his quest to cleanse the swastika.

Biographical Information: I was born Patrick Charles Kemball in 1938 in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. My artistic imagination began as a three year old as I lie on the floor drawing to comfort my invalid mother.

In 1958, out of gratitude for remaining alive after a near-fatal accident, I took a vow to be "god's artist." One month later, I had a spontaneous out-of-body experience. I applied to the Trappist monastery in Kentucky where my then hero Thomas Merton lived and went off to study at Alberta College of Art in Calgary. The monks accepted me but said I had to give up art. This I could not do.

In my fourth year at art school, a mysterious bride appeared on my canvases. She invited me deeper into contemplation. I left art school for a small cabin in the solitude of Northern Alberta. In 1965, on my twenty-seventh birthday, I went into a trance and my soul soared up into the godhead. For one year I was flooded with all the classic mystical experiences--heart openings, third-eye openings, flights of ecstasy.

The Bride in my early work is my soul hovering in a radiant world full of love (when we die that is where we go). Long before the goddess movement, I was given a new name, ManWoman, to express the balance of yin and yang.

STUDY: 1959-63 Alberta College of Art, 1956-59 UBC
GRANTS: Awarded three Canada Council grants
SELECTED COLLECTIONS: Dan Aykroyd's House of Blues, Alberta Art Foundation, Canada Council Art Bank, Athabasca University, Edmonton Art Gallery, Imperial Oil collection, MacKenzie Health Sciences Center, University of Alberta, B.C. Government Collection, Museo Internacionale de Neu Art, the Bongarde collection.



参加メンバー 4人


