

YIS横浜インターナショナルスクコミュのDAVID ELLIS('91)からのお知らせです。

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I got an e-mail from David とりあえず報告します↓
僕の仕事場から歩いて2〜3分なので I'll be there.

Art Exhibition & Opening Party a.k.a 'New Year's bash' in Yokohama

Dear Friends of YIS,

I'm currently organizing a major contemporary art exhibition to be held in January in Yokohama (Bashamichi) and I'm engaged otherwise tonight.

Opening party for this exhibition will be on Friday January 5th (see details below), and so please feel free to join me for an informal party. You can join this event for the price of an admission fee.
I suspect there will be familiar faces present on the night. Even if you cannot make the Opening Party, this mindblowing exhibition (utilizing 1000 meter squared) will be on for two weeks thereafter, so please check it out.
Hope to see you all on the 5th.

David Ellis (class of 91)
PS- Please spread the word to those interested in Art and partying!

Exhibition: Saku Ishiyama- O sole mio

Date and Time: January 5th (Fri.) - 17th, 2007 (Wed.)

Open daily from 11:30am〜7pm

Opening Party- January 5th (Friday) 7pm〜9pm

Place : BankART Studio NYK 1st Floor Hall, 2nd Floor Gallery A+B

3 - 9 Kaigandori, Naka-ward, Yokohama City 〒231-0002
4 minutes by foot from Exit 6 (“Bankokubashi”)

Bashamichi Station on the Minato-Mirai Line

Situated next to the Kanagawa Prefecture Police Head Quarters

Information: Eighty-five contemporary art works in oil and pastel medium.

Catalogue will accompany this exhibition (size B5, 80pgs Yen1,200 (tax inc.))

Admission fee: Yen300 (StudentsYen200, FREE aged over 65, and under 16)

Yen1,000 with catalogue (Students Yen900)

Organized by: S.A.K.U. Project


Sponsored by: Saku Ishiyama

Co-sponsored by: BankART1929

Subsidized by: Japan Arts Fund (“Geijutsu Bunka Shinko Kikin”)

Contact: BankART 1929 www.bankart1929.com / email info@BankART1929.com

6-50-1 Honmachi, Naka-ward, Yokohama City 〒231-8315

TEL 045-663-2812 FAX 045-663-2813


「石山 朔〜O sole mio」展のご案内

 この展覧会では1940年代から2006年の最新作まで、石山の作品スタイルの変遷とその生き様をたどる85点を、BankART Studio NYKの1,000平米の大空間を使って紹介します。

ご掲載、取材の ご協力等をよろしくお願い致します。

展覧会名 石山 朔〜O sole mio

日時 2007年1月5日(金)〜1月17日(水)
 11時30分〜19時 (会期中無休)

場所 BankART Studio NYK 1Fホール、2FギャラリーA+B
〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9

内容 油画・パステル画他85点 カタログ(B5変形80 1,200円)
観覧料 300円(学生200円、65才以上、中学生以下無料)カタログ込み 1,000円 学生は900円 

企画 S.A.K.U. Project

主催 石山 朔

共催 BankART1929

助成 日本芸術文化振興基金

問い合わせ BankART 1929  info@bankart1929.com
〒231-8315 横浜市中区本町6-50-1
TEL 045-663-2812 FAX 045-663-2813




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